2-Clicker 2-Minute Coffee Summary - 15 February, Monday

Day 818, 08:12 Published in USA USA by Zheng He

The word of the day is "London"

In RL, some say that we are one people, separated by a common language. Others say we are two countries united by common values. The biggest difference is that the English think 100 miles is a long distance, and Americans think 100 years is a long time.

But in eRepublik, we are, unfortunately, enemies. Separated by the EDEN / Phoenix gulf. It makes us sad to see our natural allies from so far away, distorted by the smoke of battle and the haze of blood.

To overcome this sadness, our leaders, in their virtually infinite wisdom, have decided to do something about this unfortunate separation. We have already befriended the citizens of South-West-of-England, Wales, North-West-of-England, and South-East-of-England, welcoming them with love and open arms. Our brothers in Canada to the north have likewise embraced our cousins in Scotland, even while the descendants of the Vikings have returned to North-East-of-England and now seek to return "York" to its proper spelling: "Jorvik".

(As an aside ... WHY ARE YOUR NAMES SO LAME??? SOUTH/NORTH-EAST/WEST describes half your country!)

Nevertheless, we love the English and we love England. So much that we are planning our trip to London, the most beautiful city in the south-south-east-middle of England. We look forward to visiting Windsor Castle, Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London (is Emerick there?!?), Stonehenge (which we promise not to bomb), and swimming in the Thames. And of course, we will welcome all English citizens with open arms and love in our hearts.

I, personally, am greatly looking forward to sampling your beer at some wonderful pubs, munching on some fish-n-chips (french fries, what a ridiculous name ... what is "France"?), adding a few gratuitous "u"s in our polite "behaviour" and "colourful" phrases, and possibly even trying my hand at cricket.

Written with love in my heart and guns in my hand, on the eve of my wonderful trip across the pond to visit my brothers and sisters in North-East-East-USA, er, I mean, England.

Zheng He
World explorer and in-game Gerk-General

PS : We dredged Boston harbor and are bringing your tea back.

Ignore all other battles, follow the DoD Orders and attack London!