100 reason for erepublik!!!!

Day 1,181, 20:48 Published in Serbia Serbia by Realtek HD


I want to represent you my project. The project named Million Reasons Why eRepublik Is The Best Game In the World. The point is to find million reasons why we playing this game and why it's so good. Anyone can send me reasons. Why do you think eRepublik is such a good game? So let’s start.

eRepublik is the best game…

1… Because only here you get a medal for making 10 babies.
2… Because only here you work only second, but get paid for all day!
3… Because only here government don't steal and ever works
4… Because only here congressman can be anyone.
5… Because only newspaper subscribe is free.
6… Because only here you can be killed hundreds times, but you don’t even know that.
7… Because if you work 30 days in a row you will get a medal.
8… Because only here Poland people can say “Наша Russia“
9... Because only here you can be a God of War.
10...Because only here with bread you can regenarate your organs lost in the war...
11…Because only here you can eat 150 breads and feel great!
12…Because only here you can train with Napaleon and Cezar…
13…Because only here you can bake bread from 6 grain.
14…Because only here you can find only 5 types of food...
15...Because only here you can spend 5 min here, and get angry all day.
16... Because you can die and then come back to life by clicking "revive".
17...Because only here you can fight the enemy trought the distance of 5000 kilometers.
18...Because only here bugs are actually feautures and not really bugs..
19...Because only here one man with enough money on his mastercard can beat one nation's army
20...Because only here you can be a master of grains or the guru of oil .
21...Because only here you can make 30 pieces of bread per click.
22...Because only here organizations can travel with ticket
23...Beacuse you can have many golds
24...Because Poland here is Pink.
25...Because tickets are made from oil.
26...Because only here houses break after 30 days .
27...Because Congressman and Presidents can teletransportate to another region without traveling.
28...Because only here you get medals for killing.
29...Because only here headles chicken tels you about system errors.
30...Because only here for small payment you can cause brainstorm to yourself.
31...Because you play different erepublik every day.
32...Becouse only here your able to destroy a tank with a hand gun.
33...Because only here you can multiply yourself
34...Because only in NEW eReublik is same price for gun tank or helix
35...Because only here pressing red button means attacking other country.
36...Because only here new world war starts each 24 hours.
37...Because only here admins can change results of elections.
38...Because like in real in eRepublik with money You can be invicible
39...Because you can fight in the "Clone Wars".
40...Because i can't believe I red whole article and comments and still breath.
41...Because only here Lithuania has big wages.
42...Because we can make gold out of iron
43...Because only here a region can have only one natural resource.
44...Because only here a country can have only 5 natural resources.
45...Because only here you can produce a baby-boom using your phone.
46...Because only here you can become congressman with only one vote: yours.
47...Because only here you can work for 1.00$/day and not paying taxes.
48...Because only here freedom of press is absolutely a joke.
49...Because only here you can find El Dorado.
50...Because only here you can have tanks & helicopters in your pocket.
51...Because only here you can win a fight against a hely with no weapon.
52...Because only here country presidents get re-elected every 30 days.
53...Because only here you can edit your article with others comments.
54...Beacause only here you can use your Mastercard properly !
55...Because only here moving tickets and tanks have the same price
56...Because China is only 11 by population
57...Because you can travel anywhere in the world with only clicking 2-3 buttons..
58...Because only here a beaver can become a president
59...Only here a newspaper owner pays his readers, so they would subscribe.
60...Here the babies can win a war
61...Here Hungary is the country of Iron and steel and Aluminium and bananas without grain
62...Because only here china and USA are best friends
63...Because only here you chan change citizenship unlimited times
64...Because only here you can live in Moscow and every day work in Siberia.
65...Because only here Chuck Norris is dead.
66...Because only here you need to prove that you are a human before start working
67...Because only here Lithuania have more iron, than Poland
68...Because only here Papua got rubber resource
69...Because only here Russia can be a banana republic with more fruits then in Africa and nearby countries
70...Because this game has the best admins in the world (sarcasm)
71...Only here Indonesian government dare to stand against USA.
72...Because only here more than half of citizens don't have house
73...Because only here you can travel around the world faster thant in a minute
74...Because only here you can survive 4weeks with 1 day salary
75...Because only here sleep all weak without moving
76...Because only here are many gods and noone knows they names
77...Because only here 1/8 of world teritory has no population and reasurses
78...Because only here new economic crisis is a daily routine
79...Because only here every employees want to be fired to go in foreign wars.
80...Becouse only here male and female are the same.
81...Becouse only here gold is not for decoration or jewelry.
82...Because only here North Korea has democratic elections
83...Because only here 1 men can make 100 babys in 1 day without women
84...because only here you can have citizenship of Poland, live in Mongolia and work in North America
85...Because onlt here: Your are in your house, which is in your backpack, and your backpack is on your shoulders.
86...Because only here you can travel to other country without passport
87...Because only here you can buy weapon in market
88...Because only here you can be fired after 2 minutes of taking the job
89...Because only here in war mastercard is more effective than food
90...Because only in here you can be 7 days old and go to war
91...Because only here you gain more strength by just clicking once a day!
92...Because most of action are not ingame but in IRC, Skype or forums

Shout this article, let all world to know, why we play this game
Send your reasons to me or write in comments.

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