[WRP] Generic Congress Optimistic Newspaper Article

Day 2,773, 14:48 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by AMD.

Hello members of the WRP.
Keeping an optimistic, often misguided however, outlook on life is not easy. But here we go!


OK. 7 People submitted, and I think it is a rather banterous and professional group of people.

I would write about each individual, but as congress recently voted to continue as we are in the event of a wipe, predictable I know, Haha 😉 Then we need to be realistic. They are all banterous and congress would be good and WRP would be extremely well represented with these guys.

Constitution. Work IN progress. etc It takes a while.

Good bye my friends for now! I love you all!

Aaron Mark Daniels, Minister for Entertainment
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Aaron Mark Daniels, eUK Minister for Entertainment

Nec Timeo Nec Sperno! - I neither fear nor despise!

Self Appointed Saviour of the eUK!: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/2528762/1/20

Regal Duke of Malvern

Captain of the Elite Third Regiment of the Free British Irregulars

Party President Of the Greatest eUK Party, The Worker's Rights Party


And above all, Friend.