[WRP] Aaron4PP: Version 3.0

Day 2,763, 10:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by AMD.

FIRST OF ALL YAY I HAVE A WIKI PAGE: http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/Aaron_Mark_Daniels

Hello members of the WRP.
I am here today to convince you to vote for me as the president of the party for a third term. As much as I respect my opponent, in terms of activity I believe I would be a better choice!

1. Membership
The membership of the WRP has been decreasing in the last month, we cannot deny this, nor do we know the reason why. One thing I can guarantee you is that I have been talking to fellow members of the party on how to address this. If I win the election tomorrow I would ask members of the WRP to come forward and ask to help me with recruitment. Members of the recruitment team would be tasked with assisting me in messaging both new players, and members of both non top 5 and top 5 parties who may have become disenchanted with life in their respective party.
This will be done in a few ways. An article will come on Tuesday if I am re elected with more information on this.

2. Choosing the best candidate for the job for country president. This may come from within the party, and it may come from outside the party, but the best man for the job shall be chosen, democratically by the party, with myself offering good judgement. Who knows? It may even be me myself running... *HINT HINT*

3. Working hard towards developping the skills of young and old members of the party: I myself have recently risen through the ranks, and recently I became the better half of the MoENT POWER COUPLE. The WRP will train it's members and work on getting cabinet positions, either full or deputy or just experiance for members interested.
This term we have a wide political profile on the Cabinet with myself as MoHA, Colin ChipPhilfer Brown as dMoF and our own Spokesman Yurigavin as dMoD.

4. Work on increasing the media profile and party activity. This is relatively self explanatory, as the WRP could do with being more active than it already is. Mass mails will be created.The party need to be active in the news, and we need people to know that we are the WRP! and we are the greatest. Yurigavin and Colin this term have produced some fantastic articles this term and should keep it up.

5. This term, with the help of a wealthy donor, mwcerberus who wishes to remain un named we can look at offering a wide variety of new experiences for our members. This could be lotteries, raffles, and financial or military aid. Plans are in development and we are welcome to suggestions.

6. WRP 4 Congress
A popular move I believe, but our primary focus will be on placing WRP candidates in congress next term, like we did this month. We will have a strong list of internal candidates, and choosing the best possible candidates. And stronger candidates. Our congress candidates need to be more active in parliamentary discussion, and a better congress list is being compiled that will bring out the best and the strengths of the glorius WRP.

Next Term

Next term I am looking at finishing the WRP Constitution, which is currently in draft form and their will be votes on its final form and how it will be implemented. The survey I compiled with WRP members has been completed and the WRP policies have been officially updated. You can find these here:
or here: http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/Workers_Rights_Party

Thank you for reading, and please I implore you to vote, and continue the AMD PP LEGACY!

TL😃R?: Vote Aaron, I do good stuff in past and now in future.

Aaron Mark Daniels, Minister for Entertainment
This Broadcast was Brought to you by...
Aaron Mark Daniels, eUK Minister for Entertainment

Nec Timeo Nec Sperno! - I neither fear nor despise!

Self Appointed Saviour of the eUK!: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/2528762/1/20

Regal Duke of Malvern

Captain of the Elite Third Regiment of the Free British Irregulars

Party President Of the Greatest eUK Party, The Worker's Rights Party


And above all, Friend.