[WRP] Aaron4PP The 4th Inning

Day 2,792, 07:42 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by AMD.

Honourable members of the Worker's Rights Party I implore you to vote me for your Party President, so we can make a stand and fight for our beliefs on an international scale!

1. Recruitment
Now that I have established a team, recruitment will be actively sought and messaging will begin. I will appoint a spokesman who whill, in conjunction with myself produce articles advertising the glorius WRP and all that we stand for.

2. CP
Choosing the best candidate for the job for country president. This may come from within the party, and it may come from outside the party, but the best man for the job shall be chosen, democratically by the party, with myself offering good judgement. Who knows? It may even be me myself running... *HINT HINT* Or most definitely me running, with the support of the party of course 😉

Working hard towards developing the skills of young and old members of the party: I myself have recently risen through the ranks, and recently I became the Deputy Prime Minister. The WRP will train it's members and work on getting cabinet positions, either full or deputy or just experience for members interested.
This term we have a wide political profile on the Cabinet with myself as vCP, as well as Colin Chipphilfer Brown and Subtleblade receiving cabinet posts, If i have missed you out please inform me, as we have a wide range of cabinet membership this term.

4. WRP 4 Congress
A popular move I believe, but our primary focus will be on placing WRP candidates in congress next term, like we did this month. We will have a strong list of internal candidates, and choosing the best possible candidates. And stronger candidates. Our congress candidates need to be more active in parliamentary discussion, and a better congress list is being compiled that will bring out the best and the strengths of the glorius WRP.
Now that we have our Region back, we can move on and achieve this next month!

United Left
We will look to establish close ties with the United Left Movement, seeking to fight back against right wing oppression and provide a support base for all left wingers like ourselves! Membership is optional I will point out!

Shortly after writing this article I will be messaging every member of the party with a voting form and a copy of the constitution. The vote will be to ratify the constitution, and will also allow you to propose feedback.

Thank you for reading, and please I implore you to vote, and continue the AMD PP LEGACY!

TL😃R?: Vote Aaron, I do good stuff in past and now in future.

Aaron Mark Daniels, Deputy Prime Minister
This Broadcast was Brought to you by...
Aaron Mark Daniels, Deputy Prime Minister

Nec Timeo Nec Sperno! - I neither fear nor despise!

Self Appointed Saviour of the eUK!: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/2528762/1/20

Regal Duke of Malvern

Captain of the Elite Third Regiment of the Free British Irregulars

Party President Of the Greatest eUK Party, The Worker's Rights Party


And above all, Friend.