[WC/NID]Rewind, Fast Forward, Stop, Eject-ulate

Day 1,244, 14:13 Published in Canada Canada by Plugson

The End...

Send a heartbeat to
The void that cries through you.
Relive the pictures that have come to pass.
For now we stand alone,
The New World is sucked and blown.

A dual combo entry for National Insult Day and Writers’ Challenge VI: “Changes – eRepublik, an evolution”
With a nod to Alias Vision for inspiring the current format:
Fast Forwar😛 100 days of future Canadian history

Day 25* ~~ Newspapers added to citizen accounts. Communication much increased.

Day 50 ~~ Newspapers added to citizen accounts for a cost of 2 Gold. Revenue only slightly increased.

Day 400
~~ Operation French Toast ends. Nothing very interesting to do in eCanada except read news articles until Day 600.

Day 450 ~~ The Shameless Plug publishes its first article ~ mostly ignored.

Day 725 ~~ All “uploaded” headline images suddenly taken away. No word on if a ransom note was ever delivered.

Day 989 ~~ Citizens restricted to posting only in their country, no multi-national articles. Trolling abates. Boredom slightly increased.

Day 1,062 ~~ First NID article published. Game developers begin reconsidering the media module.

Day 1,134 ~~ Org voting removed. Media shows signs of improving.

Day 1,162 ~~ Article publishing gets blinged up with BBcode buttons. Amazement all around.

Day 1, 240 ~~ Top 5 and New Articles knocked off the front page and relegated to a behind-the-scenes tab. Publications and readership halved.

Day 1,242 ~~ “Follow comments" option removed from articles and siphoned over to the surging “Citizen Feeds” module.

And now we interrupt the current timeline to bring you a message from the future...
Larger version: click here
...Is the Beginning...
The zeppelins rain upon us,
The guns of august love disastrous.
A shadow lies amongst you
To defy the future cast.

Day 1,304 ~~ Media boosters introduced to increase sub count.

Day 1,375 ~~ Publishing an article now costs 2 Gold.

Day 1,375 ~~ Publishing Houses added to the “My Lands” section. Upgradeable newspapers net more votes per subscriber: Q5 = x10 vote multiplier

Day 1,438 ~~ Media Mogul mission introduced. 35 Gold for insta-complete MM medal.

Day 1, 496 ~~ New publishing category adde😛 "eMarriages and lolcats"

Day 1,540 ~~ Articles restricted to a 140 character limit.

Day 1,542 ~~ Only citizens in your Friends List may view your article.

Day, 1,606 ~~ Article “votes” renamed to “likes.” SuperPoke fad ensues.

Day 1,622 ~~ Augustus Baldwin's account exhumed. Cloning his eDNA fails to rejuvenate the media module.

Day 1,650 ~~ dSokre publishes his final article. Receives 15 votes, 1 comment, and 854 SuperPokes.

Day 1,666 ~~ eRepublik bought out. Publishing an article now requires logging into Facebook.

...Is the End
Is it bright where you are?
Have the people changed?
Does it make you happy you're so strange?
And in our darkest hour,
My gold secrets paid.
We can watch the world devoured in its gain

*note: yes, all the dates are wrong. Why would I bother to remember or research stuff like that?