[VP] Dear America, A Thank You!

Day 897, 21:47 Published in USA USA by Chocolate McSkittles

Well this is exciting. I'm walking up to my new apartment, and look at the seal on the door:

Ahhh yeahhhh

One of the neatest things about eRepublik is how it hyperspeeds reality into bite-sized proportions. The fact that every month a different president gets to try his/her hand at leading the nation is just one embodiment of this.

While Harrison Richardsons been president before, no two terms will could possibly be the same. We face an ever changing world where best friends can become enemies, enemies can become friends, and mechanics can change without warning.

This new administration stands ready to face a whole new set of challenges during the next 30 days, and is confident that we will be able not only maintain the greatness that is the eUSA, but expand upon it, increasing both the active player base and the military power of our nation.

Thank you to all the supporters who believed in our vision!

For the Glory of Dio
Chocolate McSkittles, Vice President of the eUSA

HR would not have approved of me posting without including something....