[ ☾☆ ] Turkey isn't unattended [ ☾☆ ]

Day 1,173, 14:28 Published in USA USA by ASP C SLAVA IDEY SVOBODA
For a while we analyze the news about our homeland, the results aren't satisfying; our nation is captived under the Greek invasion, and our motherland is being occupied completely. The reasons must be re-analyzed again and again by the new Government, the current situation is quite disgraceful for us and who feels belonging to Turkey.

iNCi hasn't been in Turkey, because of that we don't want to affect forthcoming president and his cabinet, but our leadership strongly advice them to take serious measures, or we will feel have to handle the things instead of you ! don't forget it... Turkey isn't the toy of either Presidents or Oponents.
When we were governing the country, iNCi made big mistakes like trusting to unknown groups, and finally we paid the cost of that, it's quite open that the mistakes what made by our government are originated of our inexperience, well you know English people have an idiom; ''The time flies...'' yes it's passing and everything is getting changed minute by minute & day by day; like iNCi...
I always believed in a word in my life so far; ''Life is kinda school to learn your fails to do the best !'' well, iNCi took it's lesson by trusting to unreliable opportunists.

Some people underestimate iNCi so much... they think we can be a puppet, or we can betray to our nations because we are ''Weak''...
No my friend, you are completely wrong because iNCi is based on a community which is consisted by the Law students, Transatlantic captains, Doctors, Writers, Physicists etc etc... Those guys can't be Stupid as you think. On the other hand our Military Power is raised 400% since the last month, we have several heavy tanks, we have a good relationship between us like no Country, no Group have it...
Don't think that we will allow anyone to occupy our country.

If we want now; iNCi can bring easily 50.000 Real New Players into the game by whispering to our portal...
Do you think it's difficult to do ? If you think like that, just look at the last 30 days improvement of the U.S.A. population, we did it ! and we did it so easily !
From now on, we will watch Turkey more cautious... If someone tries to do betray or make fun on our Country;


And believe me, iNCi never eats his vow... If you want to play with us, test is free; but We won't be the responsible for the results.

iNCi Advices something to Turkish nation;

Kick fakers and cheaters out of Turkey !
Don't lose your belief to liberate your Motherland !
Support the forthcoming Official National Armed Forces of Turkey !
Stop eating eachother like the vultures and Unite !
Trust your clean people and candidates !
Stop the Boycott bullshit and Fight for your honour & flag !
Don't underestimate your opponents !
Respect to eachother !

Thanks & Regards

Signed by the leaders of iNCi