[Speaker] Prime Minister's Questions + Congress News

Day 2,063, 11:02 Published in United Kingdom Greece by Kravenn

I know that my last article was published on wednesday and today, I should publish PMQ report.

Sadly, I asked to delay Prime Minister’s questions. Well, I won’t explain here all my real life but I currently have some issues. Cabinet is informed about this issue and totally understand why I prefered to delay these PMQ.

Like lot of people say : Real life before Erepublik.

However, these PMQ aren’t cancelled : they are just delayed to Monday 15 at 9PM (13.00 Erep time)

On my last article, I explained how it will be organised.

1- You can question our prime minister if you have eUK citizenship or involved on eUK community

2- You have 2 possibilities to question our prime minister

- You are not involved on IRC : in that case, you must send me your questions by private message before July 15 at 8PM (12.00 Erep). I will question our prime minister with your questions (your name will be mentioned)

- You are involved on irc : You contact me in private and explain your question. You will receive a voice (channel will be moderated), you question our prime minister.

IMPORTANT : Only questions related to Erepublik and UK government

3- Max 48h after PMQ, I will publish another article with questions and answers.

So, don’t forget on Monday 15 at 9PM (13.00 Erep) to join #PMQ

About congress, I recently launched talks about immigration (mainly because there is nothing related to that problem). It means that our country can be easily under PTO threat.
Sadly, still about RL things, I almost stopped to talk about that. It will be re-launched very soon.

Now about Ingame proposals

1- http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/United-Kingdom/129512
Proposed by Franziska999, 3 days ago

Germany has been proposed as Natural Enemy.

Unlike main other laws : you need a super majority to see this law accepted (like impeachment). We should need 24 YES to see that law accepted

About talks Even if we had Non Aggression Pact with Germany. It was ended on Friday 12. In the case that law was accepted. It means that we didn’t broke any agreement.

Several arguments were in favor

- People like War
- Missions added by admins "all for one, One for all"
- An ally (slovakia) needed help

There is 2 things that I'd like to mention.

- During we voted the Natural Enemy Law, we received an alert where it was mentionned that Germany proposed UK as Natural Enemy. German congress decided to reject that Natural Enemy Law
- Because there was no breaking agreement : there was no suggestion about voting YES or NO

2 - http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/United-Kingdom/129550
Proposed by CptChazbeard, 2 days ago

Do you agree to transfer 15000 GBP from the country accounts to The Vagabonds?

Well, few talks here, our prime minister suggested to vote NO. Except you like to give money from country account to a private organisation.
In real life, it could be : Do you agree to transfer your taxes to Monsanto ?
You vote NO ? Well congress thought the same here

That’s all for now,

See Ya
Speaker of the House of Commons