[Speaker] Congress June - July : Ingame laws

Day 2,052, 13:18 Published in United Kingdom Greece by Kravenn

Well, few days ago, I published an article about congress activity.


Following this article, I decided to write another article. This one will mention In game laws who were voted since the last congress was elected.

My intention is to show to UK population the activity of our congress. If several congress members wants to explain their votes : they are free to do it.

I will try to the same on every week (during the length of my term)

1- http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/United-Kingdom/129023
Proposed by Maurocolombia, 6 days ago

President of Colombia proposed a mutual protection pact with United Kingdom
Accepted : 38 YES - 1 NO

Our congress decided (huge majority) to vote YES.
Main reasons were : Colombia is an ally, They are in another timezone than UK, they have good low divisions

2- http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/United-Kingdom/129037
Proposed by Mr Woldy, 6 days ago

President of United Kingdom proposed a mutual protection pact with Serbia
Accepted : 37 YES - 2 NO

Huge majority in favor of YES
Main reasons are : Serbia is a natural ally and also a TWO member. They have a huge firepower (they won goldmines for D2, D3 and D4)

3 - http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/United-Kingdom/129086
Proposed by Mr Woldy, 4 days ago

President of United Kingdom proposed a mutual protection pact with Romania
Accepted : 30 YES - 7 NO

Once again, this MPP was accepted. Even if we have 7 NO, this MPP was approved by more than 80% of our congress members.
Since several months : Romania is an ally and have good firepower, they already helped us on battlefield. I suppose that those who voted NO have still have some problems to see Romania as UK ally

4- http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/United-Kingdom/129145
Proposed by danci danski, 3 days ago

France has been proposed as Natural Enemy.

This proposal is a rogue one
Less congress members voted that law than previous ones. However, it was launched on the beginning of the month. Some congress members are in vacations.

Unlike other laws : It was strongly suggested to vote NO on this law (Government and myself). Even if France isn't an ally. UK has no intention to attack them

Few months ago, UK - Poland - Serbia and France signed an agreement http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-mofa-changes-on-agreement-between-efr-epl-esrb-euk-2252478/1/20

On that agreement, you can find the following sentence
Both of eFrance and eUK agree on Non Aggression Pact regarding the fact eFrance will get a border with the UK once the treaty is setted.

UK has no intention to break the NAP and want to continue to respect the agreement.

5- http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/United-Kingdom/129178
Proposed by Mr Woldy, yesterday

President of United Kingdom proposed a mutual protection pact with Argentina
Accepted : 29 YES - 5 NO

This MPP is just accepted by our congress. Good majority in favor.
Even if Argentina invaded UK on April, the 2 countries were able to sign MPP. There was a debate on congress about it.
Main arguments in favor were
- they contacted UK for MPP
- they have excellent D1 (they won goldmine)
- they are in another timezone
- They are proTWO and hate USA

Main argument against the MPP was
- they invaded UK in April 2013 (and organised a babyboom on the same time)

6- http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/United-Kingdom/129180
Proposed by Franziska999, yesterday

Norway has been proposed as Natural Enemy.
Rejected : 4 YES - 28 NO

This proposal is rejected : ROGUE PROPOSAL
- UK government has no intention to enter in war with Norway. Even if they have a low population and are weaker than UK. Our country has no interest there (we gain no resources by invading them). A former UK CP invaded them but we lost cash and 1 original region.
It was suggested to vote NO on the proposal

7- http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/United-Kingdom/129203
Proposed by danci danski, 2 hours ago

Do you agree to transfer 30000 GBP from the country accounts to Bank of England?
Remain more than 20h : 2 YES - 13 NO => Probably rejected

This proposal is also a rogue one. Minister of Finances never requested to transfer money. 30000GBP out of country account made UK unable to sign any MPP with an ally on the following hours (less than 10.000 GBP there).
I suggested on a personnal view to vote NO on that proposal. Shortly after, Woldy (Prime minister) asked to do the same and his view is the official one from the government.

That’s all for today. I will try to continue that kind on weekly report till the end of my term.

See Ya,
Speaker of the House of Commons