[Speaker] Congress June - July : congress news - PMQ

Day 2,059, 05:36 Published in United Kingdom Greece by Kravenn

Last week, I made a summary of proposal that House of commons received :

I promised to publish a weekly report, and this is my second article.

Unlike last report, our congress received less proposals :
1- http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/United-Kingdom/129221

Proposed by Mr Woldy, 5 days ago

President of United Kingdom proposed a mutual protection pact with Ukraine

Huge majority in favor of the MPP
Main reasons were : Ukraine is proTWO, they have a large population (5.600 citizens), they are in war with Russia. With other countries : they offer a good block against Russia

2- http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/United-Kingdom/129308
Proposed by T White II, 3 days ago

Ireland has been proposed as Natural Enemy.
Rejected : 13 YES - 22 NO

A part of the population wanted a war with Ireland. It was requested in 2 articles. However, previous Gov (Woldy one) signed a Non Aggression Pact with Ireland. This NAP lasts till August 5. UK doesn’t want to break that NAP and it was asked to vote NO.
Till at least the end of my term : every law where Ireland is chosen as Natural Enemy will be considered as rogue.
3- http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/United-Kingdom/129417
Proposed by Bohemond4, 29 minutes ago

President of United Kingdom proposed a mutual protection pact with Lithuania
Remain around 23h : 9 YES - 0 NO => 99% chances to be accepted

Main reasons are : Lithuania is an ally, they have a good firepower and they are the stronger country inside ACT

It happened in the past, UK population liked the idea : Time to relaunch it !!!
Prime minister’s questions are back.

Well, maybe the format will change a bit but YOU can question our prime minister.

The only requirement is :
- Have a UK citizenship or be involved in UK community

Prime minister’s questions will be organised on IRC on the following channel #PMQ on Friday 12 at 9.PM (GMT) aka 13.00 Erep time

To question our prime minister : you have 2 possibilities
1- you aren’t irc active or can’t join IRC : you can send me your question and it will be transferred to our prime minister. You must send question to Kravenn before Friday 12 at 8.PM (GMT) aka 12.00 Erep Time

2- you are IRC active: You contact me on that channel, you give me the question, you receive voice and question our prime minister

Questions must be related to Erepublik and UK government

Once PMQ will be over, I will publish on the following 48h another article mentioning your questions and Prime Minister’s answers.
Last note : danci danski (From New Era) decided to resign. His reasons are currently unknown.
It means that his party has now only 9 congress members (10 before his resignation)

See Ya,
Speaker of the House of Commons