[Samson Elite] New Commander & Standing Orders

Day 2,256, 08:11 Published in Israel Israel by 3.14 Goat

Samson Elite ~ New Commander & Standing Orders

Hi everyone,
has you know, our dear friend & former CP Israel3 has left us for his RL – and I for one can't blame his ass for doing that – RL is more important than this stupid, gold eating, addiction that we all share.
In the "state" level – a neria took over the CP position and the same cabinet+me are there with him to keep Israel running on the right tracks.

But Israel3 was also the CO of Samson Elite, a strong unit of fighters in Israel – one of Israel3 ideas before leaving us was for me to take command of the unit and start some plans he had in mind (like a "work for supply plan & even incorporating the regular Samson unit into ours while keeping the regiments apart by divisions ofc)

I must say, at first I didn't care for the job much… let's say that I even told Israel3 that I don't wish to command a unit of players that don't even take care of a simple thing like their unit's picture in the players avatar... but it seems that Israel3 had faith in them and he convinced me to take command and do what need to be done – in order for Samson to rise back to it's former glory as the number 1 unit in Israel regarding social activities and the unit's spirit.

I know that there are those in the Israeli community that don't like me personally or they are feeling mad at me for kicking everyone from the regular Samson unit before giving the command to Shoval Gafni… all I can say to these ppl is this: it's your problem that you are mad – next time when your unit's CO tells you to put on the god damn unit's avatar, do so! If not then don't expect me to change my ways… you will find yourself outside the unit without a warning. If you have a problem with semi-"army regulation" go and seek another unit – you can be a "hotshot" / "cool rebel boy" without making the rest of the unit looking like a fu*&en joke!

This weekend I will publish another article with the "New Standing Orders" regarding the unit's avatar picture & the new supply project I'm setting up.
The unit member that will fight and work all week long will get Q7 weapon and lots of food for their diligence and efforts, others can get food via a form that will be available for Samson-Elite member on a daily base. Just food no weapons for the moment - more details on this project on the upcoming article.

About the idea of uniting Samson Elite with the regular Samson unit – this is a good idea from my point of view… but then again I didn't give the command of that unit to Shoval for nothing… it was clear to me that she will keep the unit clean and alive, and she did so with grace – I think you will agree to that.
So I don't know if I wish to unite the units so fast… Shoval and I will talk this over and also ask for advice from our CP and friend a neria and other active players in our community… we will keep you updated with any new information when it becomes available.

For now – keep on training, working and fighting (at least do your 25 D.O kills) and if you need anything, just PM me and I will help the first chance I can.

Samson Elite CO
Sergeant autumn