"Baby Boom" in Canada (or how admin don't know how to do their job.)

Day 1,102, 16:56 Published in Canada Canada by MaxMaher

We have a baby boom in eCanada. Just take a look at the last elections results:

Number of votes cast for the last CP's election: 579 votes
Number of votes cast yesterday: 930 votes!

That's 350 more citizens in eCanada in less than a month. It's a 40% increase of our active population. I was happy.


Today, I saw an article about the Conservative Party of Canada. The party have been created less than a month ago and It's already have 45 members. Impressive.

Then I go check the donation's log of his founder and PP EliteChaos112. And take a look of what I saw:

An empire of multis that allow him to receive more than 40 golds per day!

Now don't ask me why an Helena Tuikka, mellisa already and anthony miles got elected yesterday...

I was unhappy.

Admins, if I can see that. How you couldn't?
It's a shame for the fair players that work hard to try to get elected.
Hope they will fix this, and fast!

By the way, EliteChaos112 have remove me from his friends. 🙁