[PRESIDENT] It was LEGEND - wait for it - DARY and awesome! Thank you!

Day 927, 13:02 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Auggustus


I would like to thank you all for the wonderful time I was President of the United Netherlands. I would have loved to continue for at least another month. Sadly a real life circumstance has forced me to change my plans for the coming month, and I did not see it fair to continue in a task which I would not be able to proceed with to the best of my ability. I would like to hereby give my full support to Intenze, during the elections on the 5th.

It has been eventful if you look back at the last month. The money market instability in which my presidency started out with. The signing of two MPPs in hope of getting active wars. And of course the amazing battle of operation Lion King, in which we showed our support to our allies. Also this was the first month with the CP formed government. All in all it was an interesting and exciting month, and one of which I have met many new people inside the eUNL and outside the eUNL.

I would like to thank everyone for your trust and support during the last month. I would like to specifically thank AndreasIsaksson for all his work and his support. Too bad you will be leaving us for good, but I hope we keep in touch. Also I would like to thank everyone in the government for your hard work during the last month. It was a great pleasure working with you all and I hope we will stay in touch in the future as well.

I hope that I may one day be fortunate enough to lead our country again.

I also wish the best of luck to the presidential candidates, during the presidential elections, and to my successor. I hope that you will enjoy being President as much as I have! Thank you for this honor. It was LEGEND – wait for it- DARY!!

President of the United Netherlands