[PRESIDENT] All quite on the Western front... zee Germans are not comming!

Day 915, 11:21 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Auggustus


When I look around me I see that the sky is not falling, the world is not descending into utter chaos, and by the looks of it anarchy is not at hand.
The first days have been busy behind the scenes, and much has already happened. Two alliances have been signed, a new government has been setup and functioning rather well, and well it is rather quite in our country. This does not however mean that the government has been idle. In fact a number of things have happened.

The main thing being that the admins have decided to compensate us for the Q1 weapons company that was stolen a few months ago. We the government received an amount of 150 gold for this (20 for the company and 130 for the weapons and cash inside the company). This is a rather nice turn of events because many people thought that this was as good as gone. We the citizens of the eUNL would like to thank the admins for ruling in our favor (even if it has taken so long).

Another event that has happened recently was the instability of our currency, which was the result of a foreigner trying to buy up all our currency. Luckily after a few days this was stabilized. However to ensure a stable market, I would like to ask citizens to sell any excess currency on the money market for 1nlg = 0.016 gold. In recent weeks the government has printed extra money to ensure future stability. However it is also important that you help out as well. Due to the current situation we the eUNL are selling products and we are noticing that the state coffers are showing a nice surplus again.

Also one thing where we have been busy with is making long term plans as well as any preparations for V2 that can be made already. If you would like to help discuss this make sure you visit the forums and discuss it in the appropriate ministry sub forums.

Are you interested in helping out in the government, or even becoming a congress member? Remember to contact your party president, to find out where you should run! Remember that if you win a congress seat that you get a treasure map where you can win gold from.

Speaking of gold, the admins have made some nice changes to eRep. For one they have made a system now where when you invite friends to the game that not only when your friend reaches level 6 that you get a treasure map but also whenever they earn gold via reaching specific levels and such you get part of their gold as well. I hope this encourages you all to get your friends to join the game and help the eUNL in getting a baby boom!

Finally there is a possibility of a MPP with Slovenia. The PHX top have asked us to consider helping our allies n Slovenia in their struggle with Poland. Right now Poland is on a quest to eradicate Slovania. Congress has already accepted us to sign a MPP with them if and when Slovania proposes it. So we may once again be fighting Poland again, and help contain them within their borders. So remember to fight every day and check the MoD orders! (If there is a high priority you can even get weapons)
If you have a strength level of 15, do not forget to apply for eUNL Elite. This is a special force who goes on special missions around the world helping in battles where our allies need help!

As you can see theres always something going on! Become a part of it. Join the forums, join a political party, and maybe just as important join us on IRC . (http://www.enetherlands.nl/portal.php)

Join and take part of the community! The eUNL needs you because you are Awesome!


President of the eUNL

*If you have any questions feel free to contact me and I will contact you as soon as possible.
**And what ever you do do not mention ze war to the germans!
Don't Mention the war!


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