[NiD]: Get Ready for National iNCisult Day

Day 1,208, 12:05 Published in Canada Canada by Plugson

Greetings all you sweet little ones of eCanada,

Oh my, I see we have many visitors with us today. I can’t recall seeing so many foreign faces since August of 2009, and what a party we all had then. Remember that wonderful story we shared with our Iranian exchange students? What a splendid moment that was.

Now, I understand that there may be some language issues this time around, so a story for you all might not be the best idea. What I have found in my nursery classes is that a game of physical activity between children of different cultures is the best way to break down those barriers of shyness and misunderstanding, and will get us to know each other a whole lot better. Isn’t that so?

Plus, in this game we will introduce a few words from each language for the people involve😛 some English, a little French, and a little Turkish. Isn’t that delightful.

So first off, we all sit in a circle and stare uncertainly at the new neighbour beside us. Don’t be afraid. He might not talk the same as you, but chances are he feels just the same uneasiness about you as you do about him. We’re all in this together.

Let’s call this game “Turkey, Turkey, MonGoose

Rules of the game are very similar to what you know as Duck, Duck, Goose. A random sh*t-disturber takes a stand and runs around getting us all worked up about what’s going to happen next. As she runs around, she slaps people on the head who are sitting there minding their own business. Finally, one person is smacked upside the head for being a big turkey, then we all run around in circles like mad during the election and the winner grabs the empty seats. Whoever is left without a seat is tossed out of power and more shit-disturbing tom foolery follows. Repeat, until the Office Francophone is tossed out and replaced with Türkçe ofisi.

Ready? Set?

On y va!

Ha, almost had you that time. We’re not there yet. Keep going!

meh ya mmm ? I don’t think this is it.

Oooh, that was very close. I almost ran for it that time!

Go! Go! Go!
Grab that election seat before the others do.
Vite! Vite! Vite!
Hurry before they get there first.
Çabuk! Çabuk! Çabuk!

And when it’s all done, what do we have?

MonOie est cuit! Bon Appetit! Think we can squeeze an owl in there, too?

NiD will arrive on the 17th. This time ‘round the theme is National iNCisult Day. Cook up your best article a la NiD and you will win one fine 4 Gold prize. This one was just a teaser and I’m sure you all can do better.

Hope to see you there on National iNCisult Day!