[New Era] Breaking the Silence

Day 2,377, 10:09 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by FightAndProduce

Introduction and reconciliation

Hello eUK,

This will be one of our first articles since the ATO of New Era, and frankly things need to be said.
Some obvious, some maybe not so obvious. Hopefully this article of reconciliation with the eUK
and it’s parties does not suffer the same fate of past articles. We can only hope.

- New Era would first like to apologise for past actions of party leadership and they do not
represent the views of the current leadership.

- New Era would like to distance itself from Vendetta. While Vendetta chooses to go against the
eUK and weaken it, we are here to provide political opposition to parties such as TUP. Being
against TUP was fine, but the way it was done could have been refined.

- We would like to try and re open connections with some parties which have cut ties with us in
the past. While it’s regretful that these ties were broken in the first place, we hope to fix them.

- It would be foolish not to acknowledge that a large part of the membership have left. But losses
will happen when a party tries to move away from its past.

The de facto PP elections

Goku Jones won the election followed by Michael Ludgate and General Marley.

If you wish to see Mr Woldy’s article on the article on the election then click

If you want to see the votes cast and by whom then click here.

Weekly Giveaway

So, every week I will be giving away gold, tanks, cc and food to the winner of the giveaway.

This weeks prizes are:

5 gold
500 cc
250 Q5
25 Q7 tanks

Just comment below and I’ll generate a random number and that comment wins it all!

Open to all eUK citizens, but if a New Era member wins I'll chuck in an extra 25 tanks.

Anyway, thanks for reading and have a good day 🙂

-FightAndProduce (NE Spokesperson)

P.S - If you have any questions just mail me or anyone else on the New Era cabinet.