[MoHA] Government Press Release & Caption Competition

Day 3,736, 13:46 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

Weekly Press Release - Sunday 11/02/2018.

Good evening all,

As part of the MoHA’s efforts this month to make government accessible and transparent, we have collected updates from the Prime Minister, Jamesw, and each of the leading Ministers. These have been collated here for a brief summary of the week just gone.

Prime Minister - Jamesw:
“Over the first few days, there's always some teething problems as people who signed up to help inevitably fade into dust, so whilst I'm happy with the work that most people have put in, and departments are all looking fresh, there's still a lot of work to do to make sure that we keep things running throughout the month.

There's always going to be a learning curve, and the fact that half of the people helping out this month have never been in Government before means that this month more than ever, it's a steep curve.

In terms of what I've done, basically, be mean to Aaron and shout at him for not writing articles, pester everyone to try and start the month off strongly (which we did, thankfully), and make sure that the battlefield is going as it should be for us.

As well as that, I've finally got some inner access to Asteria, and we're kept up to date in relation to their latest orders and plans, ensuring we can help our allies. There's always a bedding in period when new governments are elected, but I'm getting to stages of comfort in terms of the talks I can have with our allied governments this year: they're all great people.

Finally, despite having open lines of communication with the US, going forward I and aaron will definitely need to put more time and effort into this - there's constant feedback and constant reminders about where they should be hitting, and of course, to remind their government not to fight or tank against us whenever we see it, but ultimately things just seem to be getting harder and harder to keep on track.

Goal wise, either end the US TW, or at least make sure they're hitting where they should be is a priority. We don't want this TW, but to be in a situation where we are basically having to tank, or fund COs, so that the TW we have forced upon us doesn't lead to us losing production or being wiped by mistake is almost laughable. Continue to talk and liaise with our allies, and ensure that we are where we should be, when we need to be. Continue discussions with MUs to see what, if any, additional support gov can offer to increase soldiers supplies, UK damage, etc.

ALSO: Super shout out to dave, who has setup fast response messages for each division, and pilos, in times of nee😛 honestly the most useful thing I think we've been missing, and I look forward to seeing you all in such messages as we fight to save our own battles, or our allies!”

Minister of Finance - Huey George:
“The MoF has been recording our daily snapshots of the economy eUK to add to the long-term records, managing our Government and BoE Trust Monetary Market Investments and preparing to implement the Government scheme to encourage groups (be they parties, or Military Units) with financial support.

Our future plans for the rest of the term is to continue with the above and produce 3 guides on the following subjects Running a company; Trading on the MM; The importance of upgrading training grounds, and why it's a good investment. We will also produce our Routine Public Financial Reports.”

Minister of Foreign Affairs - Aaron Mark Daniels:
“So currently we have been contacting all of our allies (and extras) and just figuring out the best way in which to communicate with them and coordinate things which has been going well. Especially from my perspective as it’s good to see some familiar faces.

I’m planning to get the MoFA newspaper uploading to a regular schedule with the help of my deputies and essentially work with James for the betterment of our foreign relations.”

Minister of Defence - Dave Trenga:
"So what will be going on in MoD is we that will keep the weekly national strikes. We aim to keep orders as up to date as possible and keep an eye on the damage and MUs for James' rewards program

This first week the main focus has been to release our introduction and the creation of the mass messages for sharing orders. We now have all the divisions including air and MUs in PMs with the governemtn so we chan share our orders quickly increase our dmg output.

The host of todays strike was AWOL, but Dave will run them in the future. Our apologies if you tried to strike - future strikes will happen! In the meantime see MoD News."

Minister of Home Affairs - Mr Woldy:
“The MoHA is still looking for eager volunteers, and still encouraging the public to come forward for ideas for games and competitions to help engage the public. Great Scott has began, and we are working to a timetable of media articles, education, and entertainment to stay on track with the goal soutlined in the MoHA Mission statement published last week, and a guide coming out over the next week.

Keep an eye out for the developments that take place in Great Scott!, published in my own paper - and be sure to watch out for the other members of the MoHA and public who will be publishing and circulating their own competitions.”

Caption Competition

Our first one off game is launched with the traditional, straightforward caption competition. Resident quack Karacticus and myself will judge captains (please comment this article with your caption) and the top 3 will receive 500 GBP each. Easy money!

Captions are needed for the following picture:

Go on, make us laugh.

Lastly, a World Chess Tournament is taking place. If it piques your interest, go sign up!

Help the MoHA’s media presence - shout this article to your parties, MU’s and friends!
Thanks for reading,
Mr Woldy.