[Kravenn4CP] Defence, Foreign affairs and Wars

Day 2,235, 00:14 Published in United Kingdom Greece by Kravenn

Hello and happy new year to everyone.

Like you know, I’m running for the post of Prime Minister and a few days ago, I published 2 articles.

My introduction : http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-kravenn-i-m-running-for-country-president-2357275/1/20
My Domestic and Economic policies : http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-kravenn-the-domestic-and-economic-manifesto--2357807/1/20

Now, time for the last chapter before releasing the final article with my cabinet.
For some people: it can be the most important article because it involves several defence plans, potential wars and also the line that I will follow in foreign affairs.


Training grounds loans

Like I said on my previous manifesto, loans to upgrade training grounds will remain. The ultimate goal (which is very hard) is to have every daily fighter with all training grounds in Quality 4. That goal is quite optimistic but I want to keep these loans open to help them to reach everything in Q4.
These loans will remain available for all the population.

Task force

Like I also mentioned, I’m planning to create (via military unit leaders) a kind of task force. Mainly for D1 and D2, people who will have our interest will be those who have a good ratio High strength/low level. If they don’t have all their training grounds, some special help will be given (like check small RW with low BH) to give them the opportunity to raise their strength faster.
There is no plan to create a MU with these people, it isn’t the goal because I understand that they may be attached to their current unit.
It is more to organise better coordination for lower divisions (sometimes 1 or 2 pts can be easily won by 1 or 2 fighters). Also, it can help these young citizens to join in more often on IRC.

Lower divisions: Focus on UK campaigns

True Patriot medals are great (especially for young players): they can easily receive some easy cash. For example: the first TP medal can be achieve via 4 bazookas and, once again, it can be invested in training grounds. Also, if it isn’t 100% necessary, try to avoid overfighting (even if battlefield is cool).

Talking with an advisor about optimisation of our damages in lower divisions

Higher divisions: Fight Smart

Especially on UK campaigns, I understand that you want a BH and/or True Patriot medal, but having a wall at 75% when an ally requests help isn’t very productive. This ally can be happy to receive some help from UK and on a near future, we will receive his help when it will be required (lots of people are happy receiving help, for example happy with help that we receive from Argentina in our nighttimes). Fighting for the UK is good but don’t forget our allies (it is a long term plan).

Rocket Packs

For lower divisions, we can think to help some active and young fighters to build rockets (several countries already did this) in some important campaigns. Several fighters via rockets can change the way of a campaign. Currently, this idea is on hiatus due to the high price of several weapons (Quality 6 at 15GBP) but it can be activated if prices are lower.

MU coordination

A bit forgotten for a couple of days, but it is essential for MUs to have same Daily Orders to be more efficient on the battlefield. We will ask Military Unit leaders to inform us when and where a strike will be organised. Last point, a better management for our damages. There is no need to see the 2 UK biggest MU hitting at the same time on a round which has a wall with 65% in our favor. We can be more efficient via asking one of them to hit on next round.

My answer when people ask me "Do will we go to war ?"

Before I explain the last chapter, I need to mention that UK can be proud of its MU, we are 28th by the population but we were 17th (last week) on total damage. This clearly means that we have damage, we just need to optimize them. Also, 2 Military units (I mainly think to Dentist Corps and Funky Military) made more damage than countries like Portugal and Iran (higher population than UK) as well as Germany and Lithuania (bit lower than UK)

Foreign affairs


First goal to achieve: Kick them out of our regions as soon as possible. They have a region on the south of their country (Provence Alpes Azur) and we need to send them back there. Also, I’m not opposed to take part in a global talk with Poland (and Serbia or Spain) with them.
Let be clear, if there is an agreement: I won’t accept something that won’t give us back all our core regions and a Non-Aggression Pact with them. Once it will be accepted : Congress will have the last word.


Probably the most important thing for a lot of people.
I won’t declare war as long as we don’t have all our core regions back. Once we have them, I know that a large part of our population is angry against the country of the last elected president. It is legitimate and specific actions can be organised. I have several plans on the table to bring us war and in the 2 main cases: it should give us another food resource. The only country that I refuse to attack (allies excluded) is USA. It is simply impossible to remain 1 month without war: if elected, we will go to war and have some colonies.

Prospecting some potential colonies

Clear policy with MPP

Several MPPs can be cut, and it will depend on our finances, if they are at war, … but I don’t want any mess like we had last month with the Republic of China. Every country with who we currently have MPP will be contacted at least 3 days before the end for renewal. Several MPP are mandatory for us, I mean TWO ones (Poland - Serbia - Spain - Hungary - Slovenia and Greece), some ACT members where I mainly think to Lithuania and Republic of China (Taiwan), this last country is giving us help on night damage. But also some pro-TWO, here it is Argentina (very precious help during our nights) and Romania.


Something essential, lots of former MoFA began by the ambassadors job, it is the first step in foreign affairs. The ambassador is the UK’s eyes and mouth. He keeps an eye on the country where he is sent (about internal events, …) and also inform them about what happens in UK. The ambassador can also try to interview someone from the cabinet, … I want to relaunch that program that gave us in the past good results (we found 2 MoFA by this way).

On last article, I presented cabinet structure :

- Vice President (2x). 1 for domestic and 1 for Foreign affairs
- Minister of Foreign affairs (2x) + 1 deputy
- Minister of Defence (2x) + 2 deputies
- Minister of Home affairs (1x) + at least 2 deputies (maybe 3)
- Minister of Finances (1x) + 1 deputy

Also, I received lot of applications and I filled main spots

Remaining positions are:

- 2 (or 3) deputies in MoHA

You can apply to that job via the following link

PS : if you already applied, it isn’t required to apply again

Thank you for reading my manifesto and in some days, I will present my team to lead our beloved country
