[Kravenn] It's Easter for NHS too !!!

Day 1,958, 10:02 Published in United Kingdom Greece by Kravenn

Yeah, Hello and happy Easter.

It is a nice day for everybody and I talked with MaryamQ (Former TUP congress member who is now in eBelgium) to know if she received something on this day.

As usual (and because she is a nice player) : she told me YES and we decided to give to NHS Chocolate bunnies that we found.

2 of our chocolate bunnies

We all know that NHS is important for our young citizens, they give 500 health per day (till level 30) to citizens who applied there. It uses a lot of resources and we collected what we received for Easter and we are able to give 1 Supply day to NHS.

And some of our eggs

I talked with our Minister of Health (Cygnus X1) and he told me that everyday : NHS scheme uses about 75000 health ( 7500 Q5 food). MaryamQ and I decided to offer 7500 Q5 food to NHS.

On Easter, 2 TUP members (MaryamQ is “only” former congress member) decided to help a bit our young citizens. We know that it is impossible for us to offer food for a month but we found that offer health for a day is a nice one (especially for Easter)

MaryamQ donation

Our common donation to NHS

See ya,