*IMPORTANT* Libertarian Party Moving Orders

Day 1,344, 11:26 Published in USA USA by Pizza The Hut
EVERYONE in the Libertarian Party: Please resign from your current party and switch over to this party: http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/united-militias-of-america-2995/1

Over the next few days we will commence a mass transfer of members from the Libertarian Party to the United Militias of America(which will likely be rebranded, so I am open to suggestions)

I will be writing an article soon to address everything that has been going on lately, but essentially this integration has failed. There are a handful of elites within the party whose Pro-INCI views, malicious lies, and lust for power and total control have left many of us feeling disenfranchised and in the dark.

Two Congressmen will be joining us and we will be well on our way to putting a great, revamped party into the Top Five. With your help, we will make this a reality! 🙂

Sincerely Yours,
Pizza The Hut
General of the Army *****
American Eagle Division