[GOV] Half Term Update

Day 2,403, 00:38 Published in Cyprus Cyprus by pipo lolo

Hello brave Cypriots,

I know many things are going on and some of you dont have all information flow. I am sorry for this, this article will clear things (almost all) out.

First of all, day 2401 will be written in orange fluo colors in the history of the New World (yea, we are hippies). That was a glorious victory we all participated and make it happen. I would like to personaly thank all that participated, a hug and and buy you a beer thank and not a cold one out of politeness.

Especially i would like to thank our allies and friends that trusted us with their MPPs and supported us although each one of them had ongoing battles.

I would like to thank the so called "terrorists". I dont give a shit what happened in the past, dont care for what is going on in e-greece, i only know that those guys co-aligned with us confronting a common enemy and helped us a lot. And for me that is the point of the game. That is the strategy that admins are so keen to destroy and make this game a give me your money only farmville. Strategy is to make the right moves, the right connections, the right pakts that will give you victory. And we did it.

Past months, the way other players see Cyprus has changed. We all did a great effort to expose to the world what Cyprus really is. Of course we make jokes with everything (except Finway's mom), of course we troll, we are Cyprus and have fun all the time! But bellow this fun only veil is a bunch of people that have a common mind, a e-nation that believes that every one is important and have to participate in decission making, altuists that auto-organise, share their belongings on their own free will and dont whait for someone to order them to. We welcome anyone to our community regardless nationality, political beliefs or gendre. And people that did the step and joined us i am sure never regreted it and will e-die in Cyprus.

In the battles most see the big tanks. Yes big tanks make a difference and they are the ones that "win" battles. I dont only see them. And a country that depends only on tanks is doomed in the long run. The most touching for me moment was a pm from a young owl that wanted to donate what he had as he was very weak to fight. That owl actively shouted to coordinate div1 damage and maybe the mil damage he did is nothing compared to Mithra's damage, but that damage was the most important for Cyprus. That effort give us hope for the future, reasure us that the foundations we built including everyone in decissions pay off. I dont want Cyprus to be a bunch of strong div4 tanks that grow old and eventually get bored and leave the game. I want Cyprus to have a sustainable future and future is our young owls. I havent done all i have in mind for you kidos, i will try my best to finish this before term ends.

In the next days we will do 2 things.
1) Finish the war with Huns and sorten things out in diplomacy around this issue. I cant get into details here as we face a very complicated matter. People think thay can play us in diplomacy. Truth is we are way smarter and if these people dont stop their divius plans and start speaking the truth will get a nice buthurt. So, you are warned dear neighbors and huns.

2) Activelly support our allies. An MPP is useless if you dont share damage. After we get peace we will help our allies and show the world what is Cypriot love.

Last thing in my term will be economy and commune but we will get there when time is right.

Your beloved dicatator.