[Finance Ministry] Clearing the decks for long term planning

Day 2,485, 09:05 Published in Australia Australia by Reserve Bank of Australia

G'day Australia

This is my first official article since taking the helm in the Finance Ministry. To begin, I'd like to introduce Vasilis888 as my colleague, the Deputy Minister, who will be assisting me to prepare the finances for the Molly Jo Government.

In this introductory article, I'd like to clarify a few points. Goes without saying there are some issues I can't speak about as they're security-related and as a Cabinet Minister I am bound to respect that in the country's interest. One thing I can promise you is that I will never lie to the public from this post. If there is a reason I cannot disclose something, I will state it clearly and why.

That aside, I welcome and encourage questions from our citizens and I'm more than happy to talk one on one to help citizens with financial advice. Use me not only as a Government official, but if there's anything that I can help you on from an economic standpoint, I'm only a tingle away through the comments section or by private message.

Onto business.

Government Budget September-October 2014

I'm awaiting appropriation instructions from the President that will provide for each department and agency. Some of that information has come in, but it goes without saying I need it all before I can calculate what will work within our means and what won't. My job is to advise the President what we can afford and from there she will instruct whether there should be adjustments to the final draft. When the President releases the Budget, you'll have the facts. I'll be glad to take questions on the Budget when that occurs.

I'd like to make some notes about separate agencies as they apply.

Australian Defence Force (ADF) Budget

Although it will be a part of the central Budget, the ADF provides for ongoing training, support and defence of the country at the bastion level. I have received the figure the ADF Marshal requires and have remitted that to her today. I can safely represent the Government in my analysis that the amount requested is easily afforded. As per above, details will be provided in the Budget when the President hands it down.

Foreign Affairs

I have spoken with Cabinet colleague, Foreign Minister AugustusX and provided my opinion on Mutual Protection Pact viability based on our current financial resources. The President will hand down her decision soon and the number of MPPs for the term will be confirmed in the Budget announcement.


A large part of Government business for the term will be Defence. From a financial position, any expenditure will have Budget ramifications and the Government will carefully consider this. As per Foreign Affairs, the President will be issuing instructions on what we do there. I refer those comments to her and my Defence Ministry colleagues as the appropriate people.

Alliance costs

As per the President's manifesto in the media and hearing nothing to the contrary, provision will be made in the Budget to honour our commitments to the LETO organisation, at the President's direction. As a commitment and not a program, it will receive priority budgeting.

Program funding

I have received word that the Entertainment and Education Ministry is seeking a small disbursement to operate programs. That shouldn't have any ramifications for the Budget and I don't see an issue.

I'll say it again, all details will be clearly laid out in the Budget document when the President hands it down. There are instructions still to be given to our ministry and when we have them, work will continue.

Revenue collection

When a country has a nil region or region poor holding, there is a limited ability to raise funds. To be clear, income streams are far less than when a country has a healthy base of region numbers to their national status.

It's not all doom and gloom. There are other ways countries can make income. Plato announces tournaments and other initiatives where a country can benefit financially (usually in Gold as I understand it) and through Money Market trading, riding the wave of high yield and catching the currency rate at the right time. It's not to be snickered at, but at the same time MM trading doesn't bring home tremendous funds in the same way as more secure, long-term accruals do.

In the Budget document, I will be estimating a goal for the Finance Ministry to work on achieving. Worst case scenario, we break even. A rational expectation for me would be to at least cover some of our minor expenses, so when the term comes to an end I'll be glad to report the strategy has paid for minor items like Entertainment and Education.

Revenue collection: Organisation tenancies

I have recommended to the President that one way we can make some money is from leasing an auxiliary pool of unused Organisation accounts. There's no reason we can't move on this, subject to the necessary approvals from the stakeholders involved in that decision. I can only assume that Congress will be consulted there, but as it is only a recommendation, I leave that to the President to ultimately decide.

When the day is done, all I have done and anything I plan to do will only be as a public servant appointed at the President's pleasure. It's her government, her call.

I hope that answers any current questions people might have. Don't hesitate to contact me and I'll do my best to answer them. Thanks for reading my first report.


Nathan (Grand Maester Pycelle)
Finance Minister,
Molly Jo Australian Government