[EXTRA] Ahava Running for the Diet...and Prez

Day 1,707, 12:04 Published in Japan Japan by ahava3233

Hey all, ahava3233 here, a member of the Sakurakai party. This article is an announcement of two separate matters simultaneously. Let's get at it!

Running to be a Diet Representative (for Congress)
For one in the short term, I intend to run for the Diet (Congress) in Kyushu. Although due to the further announcement I do not intend to run once again as Speaker like in June, as a representative of the Diet, I will do my best to lobby and fight for the betterment of everyone in eJapan, otherwise remaining as impartial as I can be. I will continue to be active as I have been for a while and will support what I believe is best for the country as a whole, not just a small portion of the community.

If you're curious as to my political alignment and the types of positions I have taken here in the country that might be relevant to next month, here's some examples:

-I support and continue to support the idea of a more centralized and coordinated military that provides aid and support to active soldiers
-I support a strong framework for the government to follow whilst conducting its business
-I support the idea of an active legislative body and an executive that takes only minimal (yet requisite) action outside of the guidelines dictated by that body
-I support the recent tax initiatives so long as they can be made more accessible in the future and give benefit to the common citizen

Running for Country President
I know I am relatively new here, but many of you know me well. They say if you want something done right, DIY. From life experience, I am a firm believer in that simple philosophy. I'm up for the challenge in this case.

For the past 2 months I have not been fully content with the manner the executive has been conducting business within our borders. For example, there have been complaints regarding the accountability of the government in recent days. Additionally, I have felt that the community has been lacking in general in regards to accessibility for new players. There seems to be a general isolationist and closed-door policy within our borders today. As president, one of my primary goals will be to change that. I want this community to be an open yet secure, accessible, active, efficient, productive and affable place for all who are willing to work hard and make reasonable sacrifices in the community. I would start by firstly saying that intend to make myself accessible to the common citizen as president through some venue and try to answer most pleas and complaints directly. I would write more articles to report on the matters of my executive and the rest of the government. Additionally, I would take full responsibility for the actions of my government and would act accordingly.

Secondly, I wish to increase the potential of our country and make us more active and influential in the world stage. I hope to do this by getting the right diligent, experienced (to an extent, although this will not be the primary criteria) and throughtful people in the cabinet to advise and work within the government. I would watch over them, yet I would fully take and consider their opinions and actions into account, not just my own. I am well aware that I'm not always right and have always taken the opinions of others into deep consideration. Despite this, I would take decisive action on various matters and I would yet give some newer players a chance to grow within the executive to further learn the ropes of the game and our country.

Currently, I have the support of my own party, Sakurakai (see here) and I seem to have support in some other parties. Although I can't please everyone, to all citizens and Party Presidents, I hope you all consider me as a viable candidate for CP. I'm also ready to take on the opposition during campaign season, I'm wondering who I'll be up against and can't wait to go up against the competition.

If you have interest in being in my potential cabinet, feel free to PM me. I also might go out on a limb and message you because I want you in there in the event I win, so stay tuned.

Anyway, my formal resume itself is short, basically the Diet/Speaker once and current MoCH. I'm also a member of the current Charter Committee. Despite this, I have been active in all of these endeavors. You can see a list of some of the things I did in particular as speaker that month in the second to last post on the first page here (along with criticism towards my actions during that time as well, I am not perfect and I can admit it).

Feel free to message me or leave something in the comments if you have any questions, thank you! Additionally, vote up this article if you liked it and subscribe to my personal newspaper, Gougai/号外/Extra. Also feel free to leave a comment, thanks!