[eNL Congress] Congress Update Edition #3

Day 2,590, 00:31 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by UNL Congress

Citizens of eNetherlands,

Another update from your friendly neigbourhood Chairman of Congress. Not that much happend this week in congress, not in public anyway. The Training War started and few days after that a discussion was started (by me) for a motion against the current government for among others the lack of communication and ignoring a congress vote about the training war.

I as Chairman of Congress also took it upon myself to ensure the savety of the upcoming congress elections. We have all four regions meaning that we'll have fourty congress seats that needs to be filled. I have contacted all party president to ensure that all parties have enough candidates and also safe candidates so unwanted candidates will not be on a electable spot.

Ongoing Forum Discussions:

Motion against the current government
Discussion about the current government and their lack of communication and some other issues with the current war with Belgium.

DNB is at risk
This is the discussion that started when it came to light what Lord Jale was doing and what was happening and his impeachment.

Ingame Voted

✔[APPROVED] Mutual Protection Pact

✔[APPROVED] Mutual Protection Pact

With best regards,

Fhaemita The Apostate
Chairman of Congress

Deputy Chairman of Congress

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