[Education] Military Module

Day 2,255, 10:05 Published in Ireland North Macedonia by Popay I

Hey Guys,
I've published another article for new players in eIreland 🙂

How does a war work?

Let's see how a war can be started.
In theory, there are three ways to start a war, but one of them is never used because of its huge cost, so we're not going to talk about it.

Normally wars are started with a Natural Enemy law proposal. This law can be proposed only by Country Presidents and has to be approved by 66% of the voting CMs.

After Natural Enemy is approved, the Country President has to start the war in 24 hours (after one day, the campaign will start automatically). Citizens will be provided with a 10% bonus in influence against the target country in all direct battles.

NOTE: When talking about "direct battles" we exclude Resistance Wars (which will be described later in another page)

Now the campaign started!
Every campaign is fought in a specific region, so when finished the region will be taken by one of the two countries.
A campaign is divided in battles (usually called rounds); a battle is won by the country that reaches 1800 Domination points or by the one having the highest score as the time runs out (2 hours).

All citizens are sorted by divisions (based on experience level):
- Division I provides 1 points
- Division II provides 2 points
- Division III provides 3 points
- Division IV provides 5 points

At the end of a battle these points are awarded to the division that won the round.
As one of the two countries reaches 83 total points, the campaign is over.
This is how points screen looks.

At the end of each battle, Battle Hero achievements are awarded (one for each division and each side - that's a total of 8 BHs).

How do I take part in campaign?

You can easily access to all battles list through the menu bar, pushing "Wars" button.

This is how the Military campaigns page looks:

The first battle (the highlighted one) is the Campaign of the Day (CoD). This battle is set by the Country President to let citizens know which is the most important battle of the day for that country.

Below CoD you can see "Allies' campaigns". All this battles have an active Alliance, so you can fight in that campaign just staying in your current location.
Remember: if you are in an enemy country, the system will automatically make you fight for the wrong side.

If you want to change side in battle, you just need to know which countries are allies with your side. To know this, just put your cursor over "x allies" (under the country name on the battlefield).
You will see all that country allies.

Now you just need to go to your profile page and change location.

What are Resistance Wars?

Resistance Wars (RW) are a special kind of battles.
They can be started only in those regions which are occupied by a foreign ruler.

10 supporting players are needed to start a RW; each of them must spend 1000cc to support the upcoming battle.
Once 10 players gave their support, the battle will immediately start.
RWs are fought between the occupying country and the region original owner.

If the invader wins the campagin, there will be no consequences on the situation, if the campaign is won by the Resistance, the region will be conquered back by its original owner.

In order to give your support to make a RW start, you need to be located in that specific region.

A Resistance War can be started by anyone, also by enemies. Many times, Resistance Wars are started by enemies as a part of a clear strategy, so before investing in supporting a RW, you should be sure it's supported by your country and its allies.

How much should I fight?

This is one of the most frequent questions among new players.

Fighting makes your Military Rank increase, but it also grants you Experience Points that will make you advance in a higher division faster (higher division - harder BH medals).

Every player should find a perfect balance between rank increase and low xp level.

The most important thing to determine your influence on the battlefield is your Strength.
This is why your main goal should be increasing your strength through daily training.

You can train going to My Places->Training Grounds and selecting the training facility you want to use.

We suggest to use only the free training facility, for the first period (refer to the article at the bottom of this page for upgrades hints).

Best solution would be always using Q7 weapons (best influence/experience ratio) and never do more than 25 kills (the ones needed to complete your Daily Order); a more intensive fighting activity should be done only in extremely important campaigns.

Day 2,255