[Editor's Note: 'The'] DAL Writers' Challenge: Week III

Day 1,176, 22:42 Published in Canada Canada by Plugson
Editor's note: Article written by Dominik and published by Plugson....it's a bit ironic when the Director of a writing competition is no longer allowed to publish his own work ~ ha! Also, the title was missing an article before 'the' party name so I fixed that up, 'kay?

Welcome to the 3rd Week of The DAL Writers' Challenge!

First, the announcements from last week. We thought the winner of the 1st prize won by the breasts of a female Olympic swimmer. However, the 2nd Week's winner was separated from the second place article by .125 points. And that winner, the man who takes the 10 GOLD....

....Chamrajnagar! for his brilliant article "Ask questions or shoot: Which one do I do first again?" Congratulations Cham.
Editor's note: It's getting late. Gotta get some extra zzz's. Last night, I slept outside on a lawn chair while waiting in line to get my kid into French Immersion kindergarten. So, marks will just have to wait until tomorrow. Main thing is, Cham won.

For last week's competitors, you can see your marks- they have been posted as a comment on your article.

Now, onto next week. This week's topics are..

[Editor's Note]: This article needs a picture by now. The Caption: "Don't let writer's block keep you from trying to be Top Banana in this week's The DAL Writer's Challenge!"

TOPIC 1: Age: How does the RL age of a player affect their style? Is the "over 30" group inherently more rational than the rest? (we didn't get any submissions on this one last week, so I've decided to reuse it)

TOPIC 2: Elaborate Community vs. Minimalistic State: What works best? A giant, organised community of forums, organisations, IRC channels etc. or is it best to stick to the in-game side of things? (a highly philosophical topic. Some questions to consider: in the former case, how is the social contract kept in place? in the latter case, how do we consolidate poor features and flawed gameplay with entirely in-game play? Also, no fence-sitting.)

TOPIC 3: Real life personality and in-game character. To what extent is the in-game character and conduct of a player a reflection of their real-life personality?

TOPIC 4: Military history. The creative option. Write something about a military experience you've had in-game. An anecdote about a particularly succesful battle. A philosophical statement on camaraderie. A lecture on the history of Canada's fine soldiers. You decide.
For those unfamiliar with the WC, here are the basics:

Editor's Note: I like 3-word topics ~~ Counterfeit Money Bots..."All your raw are belong to us"

-Simply write an article on one of the topics and add the [WC] tag to the title. E.g. "[WC] Why Scorpius is a Moron".

-Write between now and noon on Friday.

-Our panel of judges will be watching for the tag and collecting the articles, marking them as we go.

-At the end of the week, the articles will be marked and the winner recieve a prize of 10 GOLD, courtesy of the Democratic Action League

-You do not have to be a DAL member to compete (this is something that's come up a few times). All you need is a newspaper in Canada.

Our panel of judges:

Addy Lawrence

This is the criteria that is used to mark the articles:

Treatment of Topic (quality of humour/information/persuasiveness/creativity): X/30

Clarity and Layout (understandable sentences, logical order of ideas, creative/competent use of language, good use of spacing/images): X/20


(Each judge gives a total mark. This is then averaged to get your final mark.)

Now, something new. I'm tired of pulling topics out of my ass or Plugson's ass (Editor's note: I pull them out of my own ass; Dom has nothing to do with their removal). Tell us, in a comment below, what you think next week's topics should be!

I don't have a logo for this yet, because a certain somebody neglected to make one, but here is something equally good and relevant. A picture of two lobsters having a knife-fight:

Editor's Note: That reminds me of the logo I mashed together for another contest. But Dom's is far more tasteful....I mean tasty, yum

Hoping to see lots of [WC] tags in the media between now and noon on Friday. Cheers!

Editor's Note: I never like it when they dub in the director's comments into a movie, but I can now see how he gets a kick out of doing it: "Okay, here is the part where I added a topic that was ridiculous but was totally better than all that stuff Dominik wrote"...kinda thing.
Looking forward to reading your entries!