[EDEN] The warriors of the North

Day 923, 10:27 Published in Sweden Greece by Greek Ministry of Health
The situation in the Nordic countries has been rather tranquil without any larger conflicts disturbing the lives of our northern allies. As major battlefields nowadays are found in Southern Europe and Asia, it is easy to forget that all EDEN countries participate in these battles and that the security of our Nordic allies is just as important now as it has always been.

The Nordic countries have close relations with EDEN, not the least because many EDEN leaders originate from the frosty north where descendants of the ferocious vikings live. Chilly climate must also have something to do with the relentless attitude of northern people which makes them fierce warriors, whose appearing on a battlefield makes their enemies blood coagulate. Their armies are also known to be well disciplined so one can expect succesful joint attacks in the last thrilling minutes of a battle from these dauntless soldiers.

Figure skating is a popular Nordic way of relaxing between battles.

Last week we saw Germany attacking Sweden in an attempt to take back the regions which Sweden had held under its influence. Some regions then had to be sacrificed to focus on maintaining EDEN's dominance over Phoenix on the intense fronts elsewhere. With the possibilty of an attack from eUK, Norway and Sweden swapped control over Nordjylland to prevent an eventual UK advance into Sweden's core regions. While less important regions has been removed from Swedish control, all native regions are kept under protection.

Finland and Norway have managed to live in a calmer environment for a while, withouth any major Phoenix offensives taking place in their regions. This makes it possible for Nordic countries to be able to concentrate on EDEN's advance in important battlefronts through MPPs and contribution of mobile forces. Their part in EDEN's advancements is valued high. These Nordic countries are those quiet members who let their actions count for themselves instead of making a lot of noise about it.

Nordic troops have always been known as cost efficient forces in many of the epic battles fought this spring. Recently, we witnessed it again in Liaoning, where Finland and Sweden's damage per fight ratio were some of the highest in the whole battle. Combined, their mobile troops delivered a solid contribution of 800 k damage towards the Liaoning wall. And this with the remarkable participation of less than 150 fighters in total. It seems that the ancient viking blood is still running strong in these warriors toughened in the frosty northern lands.

More action might come to the northern parts of Europe before long. The Phoenix bird will need a lot of fire indeed to raise out of the ashes...
