[DoF] eAustralia Budget - December 2014

Day 2,598, 04:53 Published in Australia Australia by Reserve Bank of Australia

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In the following tables I present you our budget for December. Your generosity help us to fill up the government storage with food for future AS. Unfortunately the lack of activity makes our balance stable. ADF has money from last month - we don't have much expenses there with those price of weapons. JDS director never ask DoF for money, so we don't have expenses there. From here I want to ask our MoD to claim for money, because I never send any currency for military actions this month and I consider like a wrong practice putting private resources each time when we fight for our eNation.

Trading with Orgs couldn't give us a good profit at this price of the gold. I am seaching for volunteers to manage our Orgs. For more information about the organizations click here.

I want to remind that eAustralian Employers Assotiation is working but I didn't sent any gold to the employers yet. Please, contact me to claim for the gold. Our community needs more employers involved into this scheme.

Our DoF team wish you all the best here and in RL during the whole 2015 year!