[DoF] Are You Ready for Gifts?

Day 2,548, 14:45 Published in Australia Australia by Reserve Bank of Australia

7 different gifts for 7 days. Plato will celebrate his 7-th birthday on 20th Nov. The party will not end on 27-th. Our greedy admins will make you drunk and dizzy first and then they will take you all your savings. The trick is that you will spent with great pleasure your hardly earned gold. Or may be not? You may make the best deal, who knows!

24 hours are not enough time to decide where to invest your money. That’s why DoF wants to remind you that the Black Friday will come on 28-th Nov. Open this link and make your own calculations. Log out now and forget about this game till the next day. Then make your right calculations. I hope you are smart! Wish you profitable investments!

e-mail message from last year

Plato's invitation card

Be prepared
Make your calculations
Act wise
Gain profit