[Deputy CP] Interview with eNL CP

Day 2,794, 10:01 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by AMD.

Ladies and Gentlemen of eUK.

As a way to diffuse all the drama, even though there is plenty of it I am starting an interview series in conjunction with the MoHA!

My first interview is with Willem the Conqueror!, Country President of the Netherlands!

AM😨 First of all, anything you would like to tell the people of eUK about your irl or erep self?

WTC: Hello people on the other side of the north sea/channel *waving hand emoji*. I'm Willem The Conqueror, have been playing for one and a half years now, in that time I've been president four times, three times elected, one time appointed by congress. My real life name is Kevin, and I'm 15 years old, after the holidays I'm in my 4th year of the 'vwo' (4th of the 6 years in total), which is the highest education level you can get here in Dutch high schools.

AM😨 What are your plans for the Netherlands in your term?

WTC: Read my plans in my newspaper! But in short, we want to focus on Nebula, some special Ministry of Information projects and our regional stability.
Editors Note: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-willempie4cp-the-plans-2535751/1/20

AM😨 How do you guys deal with the dictator situation over there? Here in the UK we have a button pusher dictator who listens to our CP, according with our constitution.

WTC: Here's a quote from the constitution of the eNetherlands:

Article 6 - Dictator of the eNetherlands
1. The Dictator of the eNetherlands is appointed by the Congress of the eNetherlands, as laid down in Chapter VI of the Law book of the eNetherlands.
2. The rights and powers of the Dictator of the eNetherlands have been laid down in Chapter VI of the Law book of the eNetherlands.

And a quote from chapter VI (Dictator) of the law book of the eNetherlands:
Article 1 - Tasks, Rights and Responsibilities of the Dictator
1. The Dictator of the eNetherlands will execute legal decisions and bills (as per the Law book of the eNetherlands) made by Congress and/or the Government.
2. The Dictator of the eNetherlands will not execute decisions or power on his own.

Editors Note: Similar to the UK then!

AM😨 What are your thoughts on eUK? or the UK in general?

WTC: I like the eUK in general, I don't have a problem with your country as we have been friends in the past, and as we're having a friendship treaty with each other.

AM😨 And finally would you like to go for a cheeky nandos?


Thank you to Willem the Conqueror, and people of eUK, who should I interview next?

Aaron Mark Daniels, Deputy Prime Minister
This Broadcast was Brought to you by...
Aaron Mark Daniels, Deputy Prime Minister

Nec Timeo Nec Sperno! - I neither fear nor despise!

Self Appointed Saviour of the eUK!: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/2528762/1/20

Regal Duke of Malvern

Captain of the Elite Third Regiment of the Free British Irregulars

Party President Of the Greatest eUK Party, The Worker's Rights Party


And above all, Friend.