[Deputy CP] Interview with eCZ

Day 2,801, 13:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by AMD.

Ladies and Gentlemen of eUK.

As a way to diffuse all the drama, even though there is plenty of it I am starting an interview series in conjunction with the MoHA!

A double interview for you next 😉 😒

Up first is Czech Republic CP: MilesTailsPrower!

AM😨 First of all, anything you would like to tell the people of eUK about your irl or erep self?

MTP: I am some nerd from the United States who is going into graduate school for a Masters in economics. I like foxes. You might call me a religious Christian type, but not the type that goes picketing around soldier funerals, ahem. Besides that, I can't think of much else interesting to say besides the fact that I've played this game for 6 ish years, but that just makes me sound like a total loser.

AM😨 What are your plans for eCZ during your term?

MTP: My plans for eCZ are to sign more internal alliances within Nebula and to be more active in battles. Maybe do some sick activities (I really do need to publish my one contest) and have some fun. Recently, we've gotten a new leftist party here, which I've joined, and I hope to tweak policies surrounding taxes a smidge perhaps (though, ya know, the economy in this game is a bit broken).

AM😨 How do you guys deal with the dictator situation over there? Here in the UK we have a button pusher dictator who listens to our CP, according with our constitution.

MTP: Our dictator is like you, constitutionally bound to listen to the CP. The dictator can act unilaterally in an emergency to preserve the state. Mostly I just prevent PTOs being dictator, but as I am also CP, I do have some legitimate power to wreck these nerds if I wanted, haha. I'd rather not be impeached though so. 😛

AM😨 What are your thoughts on eUK? or the UK in general?

MTP: I have no real history with the eUK. Besides my time in the eCZ, I've been vaguely against them inn wars in the past, but whatever. Otherwise, hooray English speakers

AM😨 And finally would you like to go for a cheeky nandos?

MTP: Mate, spot me a nandos when I'm hank marvin' with the lads and you'll be an absolute ledge. Call you Archbishop of Banterbury.

And now my beloved Czech counterpart, Rathena Gelc!

AM😨 hey bae
hows it hangin

RG: I'll answer you tommorow as I really don't have time right now. Is that okay?

Yup 😉

AM😨 Rathene, until recently you were an MP here in the UK. Can you tell us more about your decision to leave, and how much you miss the banter?

RG: Well I decided to leave because I really wanted to come back to the Czech Republic as it is my eHome. I wanted to help them in supporting activity and representing them internationally. The UK has a great community, though, so it wasn't because I had some problems with you, because I didn't.

AM😨 You created a left wing party upon arrival, care to tell us more?

RG: Yes, i did. Czech Republic never had a left-wing party and I wanted to shake things up and promote activity so I created Czech Social Democrats. We're already doing good things and CZ has become a more active party.

AM😨 Can you tell us more about eCZ?

RG: eCZ is a small country. We were under occupation of Poles for 2 years and we finally have our regions back. As I said, a small country but a dynamic community which just needed a light woman touch to make it more active.

AM😨 Like me, you are a vCP, can you tell me more of what your duties consist of?

RG: My duties are mainly taking care of the government, making sure it functions properly. Organising meetings and stuff. But also representing the country internationally and in the Nebula alliance.

AM😨 Cheeky Nandos? 😉

RG: LOL no.

AM😨 Any thing else you would like to say?

RG: Keep strong, Britain. Corbyn for the win!

This Journalist approves!

Aaron Mark Daniels, Deputy Prime Minister and WRP Party President
This Broadcast was Brought to you by...
Aaron Mark Daniels, Deputy Prime Minister

Nec Timeo Nec Sperno! - I neither fear nor despise!

Self Appointed Saviour of the eUK!: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/2528762/1/20

Regal Duke of Malvern

Captain of the Elite Third Regiment of the Free British Irregulars

Party President Of the Greatest eUK Party, The Worker's Rights Party


And above all, Friend.