[Debate] MoNC Procedure Change

Day 4,340, 07:07 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by UNL Congress

Greetings, citizens of Netherlands,

a new debate has been started at the request of Congress member Arcanic Mindje.

I would like to propose an amendment to Chapter II - Congress Rules under Article 8 - Special Voting Procedures, subsection 2

The reasons why I have issued such notice for a change would be in the fact of an abuse of congress powers by congressmen in launching MoNC against Government or Chairman of Congress itself. Although congress has every right to launch such procedures the way congressmen have been using such power have sparked disruptive issues.

The main changes of this amendment would be adding time restrictions that will prevent constant no confidence procedures against the same person and position every day. At this time, no confidence can be proposed at anytime especially no rule of law exist that would prevent the same no confidence minutes after one has been voted down. This goes the same as a new Government has been formed to be hit instantly with a no confidence procedure. Furthermore to add onto the changes for Government, there has been no confidence procedures that targeted new governments based on the past and not the present. Techninally, there must be time for Government to settle and not to be hit after 2-3 days.

Therefore I would like to propose these changes:


2. The Congress of the eNetherlands can at any time propose a Motion of No Confidence. In this procedure, a debate and vote can be opened at the same time.

New Change:

2. The Congress of the eNetherlands can after 7 days of a new Government or Chairman of Congress term, at any time propose a Motion of No Confidence against the Government or Chairman of Congress. In this procedure, a debate and vote can be opened at the same time. However, upon failure of a Motion of No Confidence, a new proposal can take place after 7 days of the failed proposal.

This is requested under the capacity as a member of Congress and not Government.

The proposal (updated according to comments of NoTie112) has been rejected by Congress.

Yes: 1
Neutral: 1
No: 27

Janty F and Shawtyl0w
CoC Team