[CP] The Maple Sun Rises...

Day 2,247, 13:33 Published in Canada Canada by I-Bleed-Blue-93

My fellow eCanadians,

As of 12:30 eRepublik time...eCanada is, actively, at war.

Our allies have already begun pouring in with support in all forms, whether it be military pledges, supplies on the field or a variety of other ways, their support is felt early, and shall continue until this war comes to and end, whatever that end may be.

I'd like to thank all the nations with which we have MPPs as well as those that have pledged their support regardless.

I'd like to thank all those who have donated so far, with Tanks, Food, CC, Gold or even time.

But this is just the beginning, this War has just begun and eCanada is in for a long one. With enemies on many sides, just waiting to strike, eCanada finds itself in a dangerous position.

This position is not one we are unfamiliar with, nor will it be one we shy away from...that is not eCanada's way.

eCanada is here to help our allies, to have fun in this war game, and to bring about some havoc across the battlefields of the New World.

So join me now, Brothers and Sisters, in eCanada and abroad, as "today we face the monsters that are at our door and bring the fight to them."

So friends, not-friends, allies and neighbours, join the war and help us liberate our English speaking neighbours from the burden of their "freedom".

Fight for Canada in Wales.


Your President, at War.

See you on the Battlefield eCanada.
