[CP] Keep Calm and Fight on.

Day 2,256, 19:54 Published in Canada Canada by I-Bleed-Blue-93

A fond hello to my compatriots in arms fighting for our freedom against the Triumvirate of opponents stacked against us, and a heartfelt apology for my recent days of inactivity.

However, I'm not going to sit here trying to explain why I was away for a few days, or why, when the enemies of eCanada came from all angles around us, I was not here to lead the charge for resistance. Instead, we are going to start figuring out what we do from here.

First off, I would like to thank all eCanadians for their efforts in this war so far. To those who have spent countless hours supplying our soldiers, and those of our allies, who have to spent many a late night ensuring that that precarious D4 Wall will truly hold.

I would also like to thank our dearest allies who have come to our aid in this conflict whether through direct military interdiction or by sending their troops to our Front Lines to fight for us, thank you.

Finally, I would like to thank our enemies, the good ones at least, for providing eCanada and our allies (as well as yours) with some entertainment for a while, regardless of how long it lasts, with no MPP battles being fought in the world, save (at this moment 19:41) 3, this at leasts gives everybody something to do while looking for a new place to call home. To those enemies who haven't been as fun, meh, you guys suck anyways.

Secondly, eCanada, with Spain and Poland marching through our Home and Native lands and having fostered the continued oprression of their UK Allies, we find ourselves just a few days away from an inevitable wipe.

Most if not all of you knew this was coming, it was inevitable and somewhat unavoidable.

Still, if there is one thing eCanada is good at above most else, it is being one hell of a pain for occupying nations, and with the MPPs stacked against us and their forces focused on us almost completely, there is really only one way we can fight.

"we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender."

With the new Freedom Fighter medals, Combat Orders, and Determination Bonuses, long term wipes are largely a thing of the past, especially for countries that can pack a punch.

It is with these game changes and updates that eCanada will safely avoid another 8-month wipe.

Do not misinterpret me, there will be tough times ahead, countless battles, many late nights of supplying, posting COs and issuing Battle Orders.

But let it be known eCanada, that your government is here, fighting by your side, fighting for our mutual freedom. Fighting for our nation, for your nation.

Keep an eye open for Battles opening up and watch for Battle Orders Articles to know where to fight!

Tomorrow Evening(EST) I will be releasing a full update on where eCanada stands on the Alliance/MPP/Frienemies Front. Keep your eyes peeled.

[UPDATE: At the request of our allies, present and future, I must postpone publishing the Foreign Affairs and Alliance update I had previously mentioned until tomorrow. Our Foreign Affairs Team is working around the clock to get everything prepared and organized and will continue to do this until our nations ends up where it belongs.


Highest Regards,

Your President, at War.

Fight on eCanada.
