[CP Elections] Proposed Government

Day 2,388, 00:55 Published in Cyprus Cyprus by pipo lolo

Greetings Brave Cypriots,

This is the proposed government for June. This government will be formed by threesomes. Threesomes are good and four is a crowd so here it goes.

Supreme Dictator: Admiral General Pipo Lolo

Ministry of Press, Propaganda, Cultural Revolution and Spiritual Enlightenment threesome: Finway Divi Filius, Rauf Raif Denktas, mixail95

Ministry of Infidels (MoFA) threesome: adamjensenn, Mithrantir, TheSymbolist

Ministry of Jwe Gold (MoE) threesome: Kaniballos, marcelbok, Kemal Ergenekon

Ministry of World Domination (MoD) threesome: KypriosEL, The Riper, Grainne Ni Mhaille (all commanders to put CO)

Ministry of Guerrilla Warfare threesome: AYANCUKLU ABINIZ, festoz, Sakin Xewal

Ministry of Youth, Multi Hunting and Internal Affairs threesome: AGGELOS_K, stenleyipkis, marabou14

I also need individuals that know well the black market and can find cheap trustworthy suppliers, so pm me if interested.

If anyone not mentioned above has some time to spare and is interested in participating to this administration pm me also.

If anyone mentioned above dont have time or mood for it pm me also and i will remove you if you send me 50,000 CC.

All Cypriots add me as friend in order to include you to the appropriate group pm.

Some administrative things to get us started. Initial conversation for every matter will be done inside the threesome in charge. Threesomes have 3 people so its the minimum number of individuals to have a majority decision. After initial processing, a formal proposal will be presented to all Cypriots through group pms. The proposal has binary answer, yes or no. No discussion here, just yes or no. If a Cypriot has an idea, proposal, counter proposal etc, should contact a member of the appropriate threesome and that proposal will take its route for a vote. For minor decisions, voting lasts 8 hours. For critical, 24. For critical decisions, more than one option may be presented to Cypriots by Cypriots that have prepared a formal proposal. In this case voting will be like A or B or C. Law proposals should be discussed in the parliament pm BEFORE issuing. Laws that are issued by individuals without prior discussion will trigger secret-secret ministry and will have consequences.

Anan saves Cyprus!
Anan akbar!