[CoI] A New World Delivered; or Pyramids Get Shtuf Done

Day 1,272, 18:46 Published in Canada Canada by Plugson

The new CoI avatar border designed by Manafikio and assembled for me by IronToader.
You will be seeing a few of these around

A New World Delivered on Day 1,269
As we are all aware, a very new economic playground was dropped on our heads from on eHigh. It’s going to take some getting used to. This variety of Raw Material companies has given a couple new lingo (WRM, FRM, WTFRM) and even more ways to lay out our company portfolio. As one MOO member said, “The most fun for me comes from figuring out ways to incorporate these changes into my gameplay while still making a profit and increasing all of my various rankings and point totals.” Yeah, that does seem a healthy way to look at it. Well put, Donna.

The advent of V3 economy(?) on Day 1,269 could have potentially ruined the Pyramid Industry strategy being developed by the Captains of Industry MU (for a better understanding of this model visit here: Pyramid Industries: The Captain of Industry Workmob). The problem being, “What is the optimal business setup and how do we get to that point?” While the optimal setup needs further consideration, we did come to 3 possible methods on how newer industrialists can build up their base:

I’m still trying to figure out what path to take through this jungle of companies and storage issues

1) Invest Big:
Pros: This would only seem to work best with the CoI Workmob, which allows newer/less developed players to obtain a loan for a high productivity company (Hunting Lodge or Rubber Factory) and then pay of the loan with the help of the workmob. The main benefit here being that having high skill players work a high productivity RM would be the most efficient use of the mobbing method. Plus, there would be no need to upgrade/scrape the company later on.

The trade-off: A big investment takes longer to pay off and the person would be left with one company when he workmob rotates to the next recipient.

2) Invest Small:
Pros: (Proposed by Mason Grey originally) The strategy here is to spread out your investment into many cheaper companies that are expendable at their low cost. Having multiple cheap RM companies allows the player to work more often and gain econ. skill at a faster rate. This is good when people have extra Land or can buy some cheaply, as it is right now with the low-value CAD. Additionally, the person would be able to diversify company types sooner rather than investing big in one type.

The trade-off: These companies have a limited shelf-life, since you would eventually want to scrap them for higher productivity RM (which in itself is not bad because of their low cost). Plus, the workmob would be less efficient since you would have high skill players producing at close to half their potential (Grain Farm vs Hunting Lodge, for example).

3. Balanced Investment:
Pros: Sometimes the middle road is just he easiest thing to do when you are not sure where things are going. In this case, the loan is split between 2 mid-level RM companies, with matching manufacture (food/weapon) companies. The benefit here is that productivity is okay, shelf-life is okay, the workmob efficience is okay. But that is just it: okay. It does not exploit any extreme techniques or tweaks.

The trade-off: It’s hard to criticize security except that it lacks fun. Many of us who experienced the change-over from the V2.whatever economy to the current one. We are all holding middle-of-the-road RM companies and really don’t have much option improving our situation without scrapping at a big loss.

Putting the Pyramid to Work

With these strategies in mind, the CoI Pyramid has assembled its Workmob for deployment. Yesterday, a rowdy group of MOO members and one devil-may-care CPPer descended on the Fishing Hut and food factory of a relatively new player, Mafanikio. This marks the beginning of our first 2-week mobbing where we hope to help Mafanikio completely pay off the loan I am negotiating with him right now for a new RM company. It took a bit of coordinating and a lot of input from various CoI members. In the end, I found this spreadsheet put together by Mason Grey to be very helpful:

You can read those tiers as Captain/Lieutenant/Private/Initiate and forgive my lack of photoshop redo

As you can see our setup emulates the inverted-pyramid, by concentrating the skills of higher ranked players onto the developing members below. I am pleased to announce the roster of those who have joined the ranks of the CoI Pyrami😛

Captain of the MU: Addy Lawrence

Captains: Simon Fraser, Alexander Rearden, Plugson

Lieutenants: Olafur Knutsson, Wally Cleaver

Privates: Mason Grey, Mafanikio

Initiate: Jonathan Gallant (but he’s determined to prove us otherwise, ha!)

We aim to rethink the how slave wages and funding can be applied to a militia and establish a stronger industrial base of citizen soldiers through the communal efforts and contributions of those in the MU. I hope to continue to develop this new method and route out any inefficiencies while promoting the accelerated growth of our developing MU members. Instead of those at the top getting the monster share of a militia’s resources, it’s the smaller bottom tier that will be raised up faster.

For all things there is an order; For all orders there is a plan”

While I have your attention, I would like to direct it at some reading related to the development of the Captains of Industry method that (though getting obsolete in its calcs) might inspire other groups to utilize or adapt similar techniques:

'Thanks, But No Tanks' - A Guide for the Warrior Cheapskate

Captains of Industry (Part 1): New Era of the Multi-working Manager

Captains of Industry (Part 2a): “Theoretical Appetizer Before the Main Course”

Captains of Industry (Part 2b): “Teach a Man to Fish”

The 4 Tenets of the Captain of Industry Metho😛
1) Food First: (establish self-supply in food – most efficient method for multiple fights/work/xp gain)

2) Guns Second: (early on, weapons do little added damage, its better to save towards strength boosters and higher Q guns companies)

3) Develop Always: (econ. skill takes precedent over military rank early on, saving for new companies and upgrades leads to a bigger bang when all is ready)

4) Fight Ready: (once an industrial base is established and a supply of food and high Q guns is secured, then the real strength training and fighting begins – see Donna Rush’s Millionaire Method, too)

Essentially, blowing your load early will not get you ahead. Saving smart will lead to fighting strong….eventually (this is a really long game if you don’t use the old credit card).

Special Thanks & Acknowledgements:

A variety of people have provided their input and skills into bringing about the CoI and its pyramid workmob. I think what’s been most impressive has been the contributions of our youngest members:

—Mason Grey: for the CoI spreadsheet and some photoshop work, plus a great recruitment effort put into the MOO flashmob

—IronToader: started the first work on a CoI avatar border, got it rolling, and now has put a couple together for me (plus he’s doing other good work with Toad University and in MOO)

—Mafanikio: provided us the final product for our CoI avatar and the first guinea pig for the CoI workmob

—Jonathan Gallant: for coming up with the Pyramid concept and then inspiring it further with his own avatar

—Donna Rush: for offering a different spin on things for me to consider, along with Jonathan who has adopted your model

—Wally Cleaver: for showing that people from other parties are welcome and being a good sport overall

—Olafur Knutsson: for being the first CoI graduate who stuck with the method for the last 3 months as we learned the ropes

—Alexander Rearden, Simon Fraser, and Addy Lawrence: for filling the top tier of the pyramid and donating your labour to the ones below. Addy has been giving some of us in the CoI 3 Q5 a day and established a developing supply system for our MU.

—MOO: the Captains of Industry MU may not strictly limited to Ministry of Opportunity members but for sure it was a product of the party, where it grew in the forums as an idea, to become a folder, to a full-on MU paid by Addy, to what is now a working system that we hope see grow. Thank you MOO members who contributed in your own small ways.

I would like to end off by pledging allegiance to the almighty Gold idol we p(l)ayers of eRepublik worship for His favour and divine ability to quash forum threads and sap player finances

Our sacred Golden Idol crafted by William Thomas Riker