[ARP] PP Final Adress

Day 1,940, 19:13 Published in Australia USA by irule777

Thank you to the Australian Revolutionary Party
It’s been almost one month since I was elected Party President of the Australian Revolutionary Party and today I’d like to officially thank everyone for the wonderful support throughout the month. I knew how controversial the ARP was when I stepped up to run, but I’m proud to say I did it and I’m proud to say I got to run such a good month in the party. I wish the new PP all the luck in the world, sadly, I can’t run for re-election, so good luck to the new blood!

Overall we accomplished a ton this month and I’m very proud to say that. Not only did we reach a new member high, a new congressional voting high, get good new player candidates to run, and get our people more involved, but we worked hard to become a better community, and I’m so thankful for that. There’s always still more improvements to be made, but I think this was a great start to a wonderful future for the ARP.

One of my favorite accomplishments this month was in the field of media. Not only were we actively involved in the media through recruitment articles and PP articles, but we also had some members get media involved. I’m also so pleased to see the Peace Coalition that we announced earlier in the month, go over fairly well. No smear articles occurred during the month, and that to me is a victory in itself. While there is some room for improvement in that area, I’m happy to see a good start.

Once again, thank you to such a wonderful party for giving me this fantastic opportunity. I hope to continue to get to serve the ARP and Australia in the future and wish the best of luck to all its members/citizens.

Join the Party

~Irule777, Party President of the Australian Revolutionary Party