+++A day to remember+++

Day 702, 12:46 Published in USA Croatia by Ministarstvo Obrane


What to write after a magnificent yesterday's evening? Evening in which we showed that EDEN is the true alliance, in the evening when online was more than 450 eCROatian troops, evening when eHungary realized that their days of glory are far gone (eHungary is still the strongest country in eR), but eHungary will not be able to act arrogantly to anyone and that her curves are in a downward direction. That was the evening when a new superpower begins it's rise to glory. Simply said,evening that will be remembered by winners and loosers equally.

And what to say about our girls and boys that could be enough ? How to find words to describe surge of the emotions that you could get only by one look on the wall one hour before the end of the battle when the eCROatian armed forces began its attack, when the whole attacker’s side was painted in white-red squares, how to describe the fall of the wall or the joy on the channel when the Vatreni Gušteri (Fire Lizards-training unit) were preparing to attack the wall! Simply impossible, all who have not seen it; you will not be able to visualize that picture and brotherhood that has proved so in this fight when one after another Guard Brigades, Fire Lizards, HOS and Military Police struck the fear in opponents hearts and brought wall down.

You should have been on the Allied forces channel when webstartm, our deputy MoD announced the beginning of the eCRO eMilitary Force attack, and when eUSA GH Commander asked a question "Have you moved all eCROatia?" Visibly surprised with duration and strength of eCRO attacks.

eCROatia again proved to be one of the major Allied countries by the damage done and number of troops sent to help the Allies.

During the night and morning, we again received many congratulations from our allies and opponents. All of this shows us that we are on the right path, but there is no relaxation in the armed forces of eCROatia. We should continually strive to improve the organization and work with soldiers...

Once again to all participants in battle for Manitoba, we can only say GREAT JOB! for their work,and nothing less was expected from you.



Our elite unit. Unit that earned great respect from allies and enemy as well.
Under elessar1977'th capable command ZDRUG is one of the most organized elite units in eCROatian Defense Forces.


Under bbb_kambelovac's leadership , unit reached maximum potential. In the short period they have become real teammates.


Guard brigade which was until recently lead by our deputy MoD Traktor Tom nowadays has a new leader, Vist Gaun, and it evolves into headquarter's squad of eDefense Forces


With new and ambitious young commander BranimirS is becoming our most reliable unit.


Goran Krznar is commander of this Guard brigade.
Goran Krznar: " 4th Guard brigade is extremely well organized and motivated team everybody would want to be part of."


Guard brigade with its legendary commander Razz-Vu is one of the most active brigades in eDF.


6th GB is lead by one of the strongest soldiers that eDF eCRO has. JuniorSoprano also has qualities like creativity, knowledge and charisma to motivate his soldiers. That's why 6th GB is one of the great examples how GB should function


The youngest brigade in composition of eDF but a brigade that has the shortest response time to new orders. It's all thanks to devoted work of their commander Cro Ronin


This is our training unit. In this unit eBabies(380 of them!!!) become eSoldiers. Words alone are not enough to describe this unit you must see it and feel it. Organization, cohesion, bonding, activity and unselfishness of this eCitizens always keeps suprising. webstartm was "founding father" of this unit and Apachy and Zion I are commanders. Fire Lizards that took part in battle for Manitoba and did outstanding 100k dmg.


Our first paramilitary unit. Unit founder Zelja has been able with his vision and new way of thinking make this unit great and improve all other eCROatian units. Their moto is «SVE ZA eHRVATSKU A eHRVATSKU NIZASTO» whitch loosely means «Give everything for eCroatia, but never give eCroatia away»


Our new paramilitary unit. They have unique organization and their time is coming.


Our newest paramilitary unit that was established by second largest party in eCROatia HSP.

Semper Fidelis!

Minister of Defense