(2pAD) 2 Pictures to a Top 5 ~ Contest Winners

Day 1,339, 16:48 Published in Canada Canada by Plugson

Hello eCanada, ePoland, eUK, and hopefully other more welcome visitors,

Yesterday saw the spontaneous and nonsensical launch of 2-picture Article Day, also known as 2pAD (nod to Muglack), and affectionately called iipAD by the Apple hipsters (an oxymoronic monicker at best).

Okay, people submitted stuff all across eRepublik, mostly unintentionally, so here is the Top 10 Countdown of the 2pAD winners.

You can see all the contestants in the comments section of Mr. Rotondi’s article, which we took over for the purpose of this contest without his permission. I am awarding him an honorary mention here and a prize of 666 Pounds/eUK Bucks :

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How Do You Spell Relief?: )

The guy on the right doesn't look so good.

How to get rid of a really bad headache.

Get rid of the head.

No Head, No Ache

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#10 New Medal: Mercenary Medal
Editor’s note: not the best 2pAD stuff but it is educational so it is the only redeeming quality of this contest.

In order to receive the Mercenary Medal you have to kill 25 enemies in 50 different countries. So, 25 enemies in each of the 50 countries, this means you have to kill 1250 enemies in total. When you killed 25 enemies in a country the flag will become into a colored flag and you will know that you finished with the said country and you can move to another one.

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#9 Far-left and Far-right Ideologies in eRepublik
Editor’s note: a dog chases its tail and finds out you end up at the same ideological extreme no matter which way you turn ~ suggestion fail

We can see here that far-right and far-left parties are allowed. But there is another problem...Parties can be called "Communist" but they can not be called "Nazi-Fascist". The admins block every nazi-fascist party and disallow their symbols and flags.

This is unfair! They are both far ideologies...Are communists better?
Both of them killed people...less or more, both killed a lot.
There are 2 choices:
1. Admins should ban both.
2. Admins should set both as legal.

Other solution except these is unfair...

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#8 (DW) Thank You!
Editor’s note: the most earnest and ordinary entry here, a bit of an odd duck, so a low scoring

A big shout out to everyone who helped in the RW
Especially TCO, CAF, Special Forces and other divisions of USAF and our comrades at ICA and Irish Army along with numerous allied soldiers who dropped thousands of damage.

The fight isnt over, but for now im content with killing some more redcoats

Dame Wolf

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#7 Down with eUK
Editor’s note: excellent message, lacks some subtlety and directions on where to find said red button

Lets all press the red button to destruction

This will happen if we all press the red button.

Down with the eUK, Onwards to victory Canada!

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#6 Oh Canada Where art Thou
Editor’s note/Parental Advisory: article contains serious pussy head-banging

Things are getting dire with keeping Canada on the map so let's keep this simple.

When it looks bad just remember a simple trick

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Editor’s note: no idea what this is about – I just liked the contrast of images and use of inversion

We fulfill our promises.
Only fools can believe that
not fight against corruption.
Because if there's a sure thing for us is that
honesty and transparency are essential
to achieve our ideals
Proven to be a great stupidity to believe that
mafias remain part of the government and at other times
We ensure that no shadow of doubt
social justice is the main purpose of our actions.
Despite that, there are still idiots who fancy - or longing - that
can continue governing with the tricks of the old politics.
When we came into power, do the impossible to
run out of privilege and pensions business.
We will not allow in any way that
our children die of hunger ..
Fulfill our purpose though
economic resources have been exhausted.
Will exercise power until
Understand now that
We are the 'new politics'.
Impressive, right? .. Now read it from bottom to top row to row ...

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#4 The past 24 hours
Editor’s note: pole pun and wallace wash-up, it fits?

We fought for freedom.

But the Poles showed us the error of our ways.

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#3 Claws and Effect; A Vertical Montage
Editor’s note: This made Top 3 because of it’s grammer youse and the fact that the text was picture, too.
Prize ~ 3 Q5 Lollipops

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#2 New PR campaign from the Lodge
Editor’s note: I have no idea what this is referring to but I know instinctually that it was a damn good bit of trolling. It placed second for the clever message and the fact that the author is a 2pA fan ~ see: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/bickering-and-fighting-1661491/1/20
Prize: 2 Gold and half-used Q2

One more move for more popularity, and there is a whole deck of them.

And coming soon.....the musical

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#1 To Whom It May Concern
Editor’s note: Nothing special about the cliché use of troloman…but seeing a UK citizen fight against his own country and mock Jamesw makes this quite a precious find (give a hand to the disgruntled Irish immigrants). First place for trololoing the UK and also being another 2pA fan ~ see here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/a-not-so-1337-day-1824214/1/20
Prize: 3 Gold and 6 Q5 Tanks


Problem Jamesw?

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Okay that’s all I got…seems all a bit silly, but here are a few trends to consider when making a 2pA:

1) Use simple, pithy, ironic, and short sentences ~ 2 is best.

2) Use images that imply violence, aggression, angst, smugness, a feeling of superiority, and a desire to belittle. Or you could do something witty and somewhat uplifing, but that’s not how the media is trending on eRep.

3) Use 2 images. yup, that seems the most basic of a 2-picture article. Go to Google, click on the Images tab, randomly put together an article in less than 5 minutes.

The End