World battlefields on day 1350 + [New Column] v1 memories (mAonK)

Day 1,350, 05:11 Published in Serbia Chile by EduRaptor

Akasuna Itachi || - My wiki (new, detailed) || - | | | ||

Hi dear readers

- After a short break i had to make regarding various personal issues, I decided to come back to writing. I decided to write most of my articles in English language, because most of my Serbian readers do understand eng, but my international subscribers surely don't speak Serbian. Although, from time to time, around 10% of articles might be in my own language, if I need to regard some internal serbian affairs, but I'll try to translate it too. I'll bring some new columns in my newspaper, so stay tuned!

- The Balcans -

- As the most populated region of eWorld, the Balkan peninsula holds the most interesting battles currently. The recent comeback of EDEN/Terra is shown on Serbia and Macedonia the most. Lets check the situation:

Greece - Macedonia

• Greeks managed to RW most of their regions in last week. They stopped the maccedonian streak in direct war battles, and won 4 battles in row, in Crete, Aegean Islands, and yesterday the managed to conquer Macedonian original region of Eastern Macedonia. Currently, Greece is on the lead in the battle for second macedonian original region in the battle of Western Macedonia, where it looks that by the end of the current round score will be 5 - 0 for Greeks.

Romania - Serbia

• Sadly, i don't have info what's exactly happening here. Around 20 days ago, when i read the last MoFA article of our minister Pipi, he wrote something about a deal with Romanians, but no one explained citizens what's going on with that. By current situation, I guess he failed hard. Romania - Serbian war is more interesting, after 2 wins of Romania, and 2 liberated regions of Transilvania and Bukovina, Serbia took the initiative back in Maramures, and currently is few minutes away from taking the region of Banat. Serbia lost connection to its eastern colonies, so it's bonuses are back to 40%.

Bulgaria - Turkey

• After the short bulgarian twitch in the battle of Marmara few days ago, things are back to where they were. Turks managed to take 3 bulgarian regions, and it seems that they will delete the Bulgarians godknowswhich time in last month. There are no currently active RW's, so I guess they are preparing the night RW tactics again ,that proved to be fatal to ONE 2 months ago.

Croatia - Italy

• This can bearly be called war. But I put it here because i wonder what's really going on here. Croatia attacked Italian mainland by opening the battle of Apulia, which they will almost surely win. They don't need the region's resource of fish which they already have in their original region of South Dalmatia. They can't attack Macedonia now, because they are out of Italy. Serbia has started a RW in its colony of Molise, intentionally giving up its last Italian colony. Croatians will get its border with Montenegro, and last Macedonian colony here, Lazio .

- South America -

- The South American continent is close to restoring everyone's original teritories. Spain and Peru lost all of their regions in Brazil, so Brazilians are free once again. Lets check the situation in other countries"


• Argentinians are close to liberate their last region. The battle of Argentinian Northwest is about to be finished with 8-0 result. Argentinians proved to be a bit tougher than i expected, and conquering them took more effort than for example Brazil, which is considered as a stronger eNation. They were well organized with channeling damage and winning night RW's. But anyway, i wouldn't expect this kind of comeback from entire EDEN/Terra, if there wasn't the new medal introduced.


• Colombia is the only country, that doesn't have one or more regions under their control. Actualy, they have only one region, region of Andina, while the others are currently divided between Mexico, Venezuela and Peru. I expect a RW by Colombia tonight, and honestly wish them to succeed in its efforts, because this country unlike Brazil and Argentina, isn't a member of any alliance, nor poses a threat to any of ONE or pro-ONE countries.

- From this number on, I will try to start off with my idea for a new column, if it finds good responds from the readers. It will be a place in my newspapers where we can revive the memories of old, pre - v2 times. From alliances and relations that don't exist anymore, former glorious units and players, epic battles, game mechanics of v1, etc. I would like players interested to help, to send me a pm with suggestion what i could put in next article. Untill then, I will use my own memories from my noob days.


- Citizen -
Origin: Indonesia

• Probably every active player of middle of v1, remembers mAonK. If my memory serves me correctly, he was one of the top10 world players by the experience ranking when i started playing. In the v1 days, getting a Battle Hero medal was the equivalent of getting a Campaign Hero medal today, just a bit harder. Now with unlimited wellness packs, you can get anything with the correct amount of gold invested. In those times, maximum number of hits was 40 times, by using 20 wellness packs. 1 wp restored 20 health, and costed 2 gold. So in bottom line, it was mostly raw strength of the player that won the medals. mAonK was ranked as no1 BH medal player at the day he was banned. He was expected to be the first to get 100th medal, reaching 72 in total, while #1 player of that time, BattalGazi, followed him with 59 on second place.

- mAonK was the founder of eIndonesian or international unit, not sure, called BlackList. Blacklist members were mostly super - tanks, and the unit was surely in top 3, if not the strongest regular unit in the world. One of the members was his close friend, and a super tank (i don't remember if they were a RL couple, if someone knows, write in comments) axllyne, who got banned shortly after him. S They fought "where they felt it was right", but they were more alleged to PEACE GC alliance. In Serbia, respect we had for mAonK rapidly went down when he helped Croatia in war against Slovenia, because he was known to say that he helps the weak ones, and called his army the freedom fighters. He was banned around 5 or 6 months before the start of v2, for bug using, but he remained no1 ranked player in serbia, whose citizenship he had the day he was banned.

- That would be all for now, i wished to write a full battle report from all the countries, but sadly by the time i got here i realized im too busy for it. I hope you liked the article, and no matter if you did/didn't, please write your impressions in comments, I'm not writing to get votes or subs, so o7 for a comment won't do me any good : ) Tnx for your time, and i hope you liked it. If you want to shout this article:

World battlefields on day 1350 + [New Column] v1 memories (mAonK) -

Exiled Emperor
Akasuna Itachi