Why You Should Vote for Patti11

Day 682, 11:18 Published in Australia USA by Chris Stanwick

The Presidential elections are just around the corner, with less than 72 hours before they begin. Australia has several experienced, qualified candidates competing this month, but one especially stands out amongst them: patti11.

A former Prime Minister of Australia, patti has also served in the Cabinets of several other Prime Ministers and in the Australian Senate. He is clearly the most qualified of the candidates.

Domestic Affairs

Patti is committed to the efficient workings of the government, hence his support for the elimination of the bureaucratic red tape that plagues the Cabinet. In his own words, “Cabinet ministers should not be hindered in that way, they should be given the freedom to do their tasks to the best of their ability, and the means which they do so should be up to the Prime Minister to keep in check.”

In regards to the military, patti understands the need to focus on the middle tier of soldiers to increase their damage capabilities to make the Australian military one of the best in the New World.

He supports the reduction of government spending, especially in light of the recent treasury theft that has left Australia strapped for cash. To that effect, he supports the recent tax increases proposed by Xavier Darkmyre in the Senate to ensure the continuation of important government programs.

Patti has proposed the creation of a school to educate both young and old Australians on aspects of eRepublik so that they can make the most of their gaming experience. This school would be a component of the Department of Culture, which patti wants to rejuvenate with a new mission of action.

Foreign Affairs

Regarding the recent call for the return of Western Australia, patti wants to pursue the matter diplomatically with Indonesia first and foremost. However, he understands the timeliness of any action is important, and will seek alternate options if necessary. Although he plans to pursue the matter diplomatically first, he does not rule out the possibility of Australia joining EDEN for economic and defensive cooperation. Ultimately, he will choose the option that is in the best interest of Australia and its citizens.

Patti supports remaining a member of Sol and playing a more active role within the alliance. The war games have brought increased activity and faster leveling to Australia, and reactivated the community. Our continued membership is ensured in a patti administration.

On 6th October, Australia will have an active security agency, the ASIO, monitoring situations around the globe that might threaten the nation. Patti will work with the directors of the ASIO to get it functioning efficiently and to receive important information that will guide policy making.

Patti11 is dedicated to Australia and its citizens and is the best candidate for Prime Minister. Join me in voting for patti11 on 5th October!