Why I left the ANP

Day 800, 02:59 Published in Australia Australia by Binda33
Why I left ANP

I feel I owe it to the people who voted me into Senate and to my e😜arty members to explain what happened to make me quit being a member of the ANP.

For a while now I've been unhappy with how some of the other ANP members act. There's some dirty politics happening now that I'm ashamed to say that I sometimes turned a blind eye to, but can no longer. ANP senior members were encouraging other players and party members to PTO lesser parties, someone running for CP messaged all of PaPP to get more votes (even though that party had pledged to support someone else), a member of ANP posted dirt that was supplied by another party to discredit a rival going for CP....I'm fed up with it all.

The final straw was when I offered a shout in support of Timeoin, who is my best friend in eRepublik, hoping the AI would pick him in their pre-selection for CP. I was later absolutely roasted for that shout on the ANP forums in the Council section. The fact that I was removed from the ANP forums minutes after posting my goodbye there cemented my decision.

ANP ceased to make this game fun for me so it's time to move on. I've joined the Australian Military Party, and they seem really friendly and helpful and have welcomed me into their party with open arms.