Which aim do you have?

Day 5,222, 17:31 Published in Russia Russia by Bragge Schorsch De Elite

If this game is endless, what do you think, is the aim to achieve? For you as single player, for your military unit or for your country?

I think, there is not really an answer to this question, but if would be asked, I would answer, that for my country, there should be a healthy economic, a good government and work for everybody. So you need regions with resources. Resources can be acquired in war, if you don’t have them, but maybe some citizens want to live in peace, so they maybe change nationality. Remember, we’re talking about eRepubliks.
For my military unit, I would say, to be the most powerful MU of eWorld. So every member needs full upgraded training centers, gold for training (until level 200) and players with the same conviction.
And for myself, I would say, that I want many Q7- or Q5-factories, to produce all the weapons, houses and food, and sell it for very cheap money to the other citizens of my MU/country to help achieve the aim we have.
Maybe, sometimes it seems like I don’t accept other opinions, but, try it, all those who are reading this article, feel free to use the comment-sector below, I would appreciate your opinion.

But, this was only the introduction to the main theme of this article, because, however we discuss and find another solution, I think we’ll agree on the fact, that whatever you try to achieve, you need money/gold. Money from working, even with the “new” overtime tickets (Yes, I am that old in eRepubliks), it won’t be enough. Apart of spending money from the real world, you can try to fight in battles. And, I think, somewhere at any moment, this game turned wrong or began to die. You may think “Wow captain obvious, really brilliant, you’re the last to get it”. But it bothers me, that even game may be dead, the fights for the gold you need to achieve your personal aim in this game (Do you remember the question in the beginning?), made their own rules. If we would find solutions easily like this in the real world, there wouldn’t be wars. If I got this right, the rules are:
- First X minutes in [add country] battles are for [add same country] only.
- I hit first, I win. Don’t steal.
- Those rules are for TW only.
Yeah, in real wars (but in game 😉 ) everybody fights for his/her country, but why are there so many TW’s? Because we found out, that with alliances like we have them at the moment, we would already know the winner. So real war sucks, we made TW to farm gold. I stayed in game, not having the possibilities to earn some medals to get a proud patriot fighter, with my personal aim to get a good soldier with many medals. And now, we’re farming them to get some gold, and then, one day….wait, the others side is doing same shit, so this plan sucks?!?

So, to get to an end and if you just go here because you’re to lazy to read shitty thoughts of stupid players, here’s what you can take for your future:
- Fight for medals again, war knows no rules. Not because you are stronger or have ore money, you’ll win. You have to spend time.
- We all know, War sucks. If you do not think the same, you’ve got a big choice in the real world. Just go there to live or fight, however you like. We could end all wars in erepublik as a symbol for peace. Than we would only work and hang around. And we could teach our childrens that they have to work for their money, haha. Game would be boring, but in this case a start a petition to introduce eBeer and eWine and eDrugs.
Even if my thoughts are silly, proved by objective evidences, it can open a peaceful discussion in the comments below. Have fun and stay friendly, the battles are somewhere outta here.