When Good Mayors Go Bad

Day 306, 06:42 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bob Boblo
In the week that I became the last ever mayor of Newcastle (thanks for voting for me), and an active mayor was elected in every region. Here, I imagine what things could be like if things weren't going so great......

Just weeks ago, Newcastle was a vibrant city, and one of the best run in the nation, but recently the small amount of power a mayor has destroyed the city and its once noble leader. Faced with the threat of another great citizen, Malta_1990, Bob Boblo has set about diminishing Newcastle for his own gain.

Despite being absolutley stupid, he has somehow mastered mind control techniques, and over the last few weeks, a fiercly loyal army of brainwashed Newcastle citizens (consisting of a suspicous amount of new members) has been ued to turn Newcastle into an authoritarian, totalitarian dysotopia.

Perhaps, most fearful of all, he has sectioned Newcastle away from the rest of the country and cut off all communications. Even the magic teleporting moving Q2 moving tickets cannot gain access.

A local group of soldiers formed together, led by heroic military serviceman Malcovent to rebel but insiders say they were a massacred.

Little more news has been received since then, and we believe our insider may have been killed or injured in some way, as his severed head was delivered to us in a parcel.

The first sign of the madness of Bob Boblo became apparant just after the local elections, as he joined the United Kingdom Reform Party, but quite how this descended into brutal dictatorship we may never know......