What is a PTO? Part One.

Day 970, 05:49 Published in Singapore Ireland by Flaco Jimenez

The word PTO is used frequently in articles, advertisements, and forum posts.

Some may not be aware of the terminology and what it means.

A political take over is a term used in eRepublik to describe the actions of an organized group actively planning the overthrow of the democratically elected government of an ecountry and replacing it with the members of the group. Why would someone do such a thing you may ask. Simpower, money, and political gain.

Just for example a group of Russians might try to take over eSingapore to steal the Treasury. Which is well hidden and would never be turned over to such a group. Despite this being common knowledge attempts have been made and will be made again in the future.

Or this same theoretical group might create a party and try to take control of Congress to create havoc in a country, propose bills to transfer money to group controlled organizations, raise taxes to trap citizens into a form of virtual slavery, or shape foreign policy to aid another country.

Some groups are organized for no other reason than to be annoying and ruin the fun of others playing the game. The reasons behind such actions are irrelevant, the actions of small children destroying what others have worked to create.

The moral of this story is simple.

If you came to eSingapore to help build a better ecountry we welcome you. Join the forums, visit IRC, and write articles to express your ideas and introduce yourself.

Majulah Singapura