What does Japan mean to you?

Day 5,334, 19:51 Published in Japan Ireland by Galloglaigh

I have been to Japan. I have heard others here have visited as well. I was in the service when I went there. But it is my general ideation that the majority of e-Japanese, with their colorful Imperial Flag avatard's, would be laughed out if they ever stepped foot there.

I do not speak fluent Japanese, but the soldiers there loved us. We drank Sapporo beer together during our short two day's off in Hokkaido. It was a two-week training mission I was a part of for cold weather training. Later, the 29th would do a 180°, as it did in WW2 (LOL), and went to Iraq. I was attached to the MP's in the reserves back home at this time, to eventually train to become a Drill Sergeant. But I separated before qualification, my third honorable discharge.

Long ago are the days of mass protests in Okinawa where Marines in the 60's and 70's had to literally square off in riot gear against Japanese protesters. In general Japan today though is very much an Ally of the United States.

Japan recognizes Kosovo as a Nation, which is like forbidden in this game in most of it's history. Yet there is no vote over Okinawa, I wonder why? East-Asian countries in this game are generally left by the road side as Yuropean affairs in this game get primacy.

When Saudi Arabia was added to the game, to be in line with the country of origin allowing this game to be on their internet, it was hard coded as a one Party state. China, on the other hand, was not contacted or introduced in Beta this way. Thus Hong Kong would eventually take over its population as it was released from Pakistani administration.

But what does this Japan mean to you? I am guessing its a hub for your profiteering and general love for culture. But many in Japan would not enjoy the Naval Battle flags or WW2 themed Military Units. Japan has a strong history of not apologizing for several of its extensive war crimes during that period.

Shinzo Abe was kinda a hard liner to the above comments. Fumio Kishida has calmed the nation down a bit from that rhetoric. Japan is much more different than most of you guys know. I don't know, I guess it is a suggestion of mine for you to explore its roots and general media. It's more than just Manga, Waifus, and Anime Taa-Taa's.


The Axis