What can we do in game like this?

Day 1,270, 07:48 Published in Poland Chile by EduRaptor

- Dear readers

• I dont know how to start this article, but certanly you all know what i want to say... These days, we saw something that not only troubles serbia, but almost every normal player of this game. Strongest power of eWorld getting deleted by 2 men. As a player that plays this game for almost 2 years, in which i have invested lots of my free time, it deeply bothers me to se where i have wasted hours and hours of my life... I'll make a short analysis, and then propose my solution to this problem...

• As many of you noticed for 12 days, entire EDEN alliance, with a big help from their Terra allies, are trying to delete Serbia, currently the strongest superpower of eWorld... Although the combined power of Bulgarian and Croatian soldiers arent even close to match the strenght of serbian army, they are somehow managing to win against us... How?

Nick: Argrob
Gold spent in last 12 days: 14.166
Damage done in last 12 days: 83.173.640 influence
Value of gold spent in last 12 days: 4.722 €

Nick: Romper
Gold spent in last 12 days: 14.405
Damage done in last 12 days: 101.911.130 influence
Value of gold spent in last 12 days: 4.801 €

• Lately, croatian players are saying that its the same thing, as the 500 wellness food fights implemented by admins when Croatia got deleted. And the answer is no. Because serbian army is so strong by the effort of hundreds of players, who played this game for years in order to achieve something. They got well trained, superbly organized, and prepaired to answer any threat... They did it in this game, themselfs. And croatia couldnt do that so they decided to buy their victory agains serbia. Ok, i respect that, but can someone explane me just how is romper a better player than me? I have more quality articles than him, more friends here, i certanly clicked work and train button more times than him... But when i see him doing 1.000 times more damage than me, i get second thoughts about this game...

• Imagine that in real life, Romper gets olympic gold at 100m sprint, just cause he has money? Thats not even imaginable... Romper and Argrob will probably win their victory over serbia with their RL money, that doesnt have ANYTHING to do with erepublik, but lets give them hell before thay do it... Lets take their last cent... And after it, I want to make a proposal.


• The boycot idea, we all know how it ended... Maybe it had potential, maybe not, its not my place to judge... It was just hardly beleavable that hundreds of people will give up their development for sake of something thats not sure to happen... Serbia made the biggest fail by declaring BiH for NE, and then all crumbled down... The goal was not to control Croatia or BiH, but to make this a fair game... If for croatia, its fair that in game of basketball, they have same money and same possibility as us to create a team, but they dont search for young players, and dont train, so they pay their results instead, for us it isnt...

- What we CAN do is this:

• Lets all move to Taiwan and South Korea... Irellevant little neutral countries... There we can work, have a training war, and continue playing... Let romper fight himself in europe, or come to delete us there, we will just move elsewhere... We wont be stopped in our advancment, and we wont need to fight unbeatable rules... There is no point in playing the game when someone can buy his win with not erep money that he earned in the game, but Real Money, that has nothing to do with this story... After this becomes a GAME again, instead of "who has the biggest wallet" contest, we can come back to play... Croatia or no croatia. Before that, LETS GIVE THEM HELL IN VOJVODINA!

Shout: What can we do in game like this? - http://bit.ly/jIWEbj
Shout: Sta da radimo u ovakvoj igri? - http://bit.ly/jIWEbj

Please shout this article, because i published it out of my original country, and it will be harder for people to see it. Regards from your:

Exiled Emperor of eChile
Akasuna Itachi