We Must Move On, We Cannot Linger: Austerion is Progress

Day 441, 11:21 Published in South Africa Sweden by Jizzie McGuire

Now that the other papers have said their bit in favor of one candidate or another, it has now come to Jizzie to weigh in on this most crucial election in eSouth Africa. You have read the candidates' platforms and promises and are probably more confused than ever before. When it comes down to it, eSouth Africa needs a leader with youthful vitality, progressive but not extreme views that will move the country forward without creating internal schism, and above all, the new leader needs to have charm, good looks, and of course, sex appeal. I believe that only one candidate has all of those attributes and more, and that is Brendan Austerion. I will explain to you why this is so, but first, let us briefly look at the other candidates. Very briefly.

First there is ERDWURM of the Free Africa party. ERDWURM is a good guy and has worked well with parties like the BLF and DAS in making Browski's presidency one of the most inclusive ever. However, being eSA's equivalent to the American Republican party, progress under that administration has been slow, although it has gone in a positive direction. A vote for ERDWURM is, as his name implies, a continuation of a sluggish move towards prosperity and international cooperation. Unlike the Austerion and the BLF's more hardline and cautious approach to Indo reconciliation and the return of the occupied lands, ERDWURM and the FA have leaned dangerously close to appeasement in their desire to normalize relations with our eternal foe. I would never accuse ERDWURM of collaboration or selling his country out, but you can be sure without a doubt that a President Austerion would never compromise South African freedom and self-respect for the return of what is rightfully ours.

The other two guys are more fringe candidates than anything, I suspect. I admire Joey the Redd's boldness and respect his opinion, but his party is too extreme for modern eSA and Fidel Castro is not particularly sexy. ql96lp has a weird name and a grossly unsexy Batista as his avatar. His party is old and clearly proud, but like Joey, he does not have the name recognition and track record as a South African patriot that BA and ERDy do.

But why Austerion, you ask? I have known Brendan for a very long time. Long before we were born in eR, we once dwelled in a far away place, on another forum, and in a different game. We existed under other names in a topsy-turvy land of sovereign states where men could be elves, socialists were fascists and democrats were republicans. In this realm, Brendan proudly bore the name of his ancestors and served the elven race with the bearing of a warrior and a scholar. An equal to all and a boy to no man. When Brenny made the exodus to eR, he changed his name and altered his enchanted image, but he never forgot the skills and knowledge he gained in his elven homeland, and has maintained his close relationship with learned men who did not share his elven heritage like Hireshmont Vellos, Howard Roan, and yours truly, Jizzibald McGuire.

I can re-hash and summarize Brenny's platform and policies, but that has been done by himself and others. I can only say from personal and professional experience with him that Brendan Austerion is a bold leader, is open to ideas and has excellent advisors (Vellos, namely), is extremely active, is a true South African patriot, doesn't take crap from anyone, and he has the magic and luck of both gods and elves guiding his steady hand. He has also served his country many times as a Congressman and has been the driving force in the creation of some kind of eSouth African military force, even though his efforts have been consistently stymied by a total lack of support. Because of his age, I cannot morally call him sexy in the sense that hardened veteran Kiwifire or the exalted Deus are sexy, but I can say that his graceful disposition and fierce eyes set against his gentle elven features exude a certain youthful sex appeal that can both intimidate and endear himself to friends, allies and opponents, depending on what the situation calls for.

A vote for Brendan Austerion is a vote for progress, strength, and unity. Help us make eSouth Africa the glorious promised land of ours and Brendan's ancestors.