We have been robbed once more!

Day 905, 14:48 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Czech Ministry of Defense
Hello fellow citizens, today we are presenting you an Intelligence report about our missing Q2 Weapon company with over 1000 weapons in stock.


7 Months ago the blasphemer established 1st national armory. With the support of president DaLe, we upgraded it to Q2 and used it to stock weapons for defense and helping our allies. After that Gertrude Groan took charge for two months too, and then came Erixxx as a MoD selected by John Locked (president at that time). After some time, possibly in the period when eCR was constantly under attacks by Poland until end of mandate (05 February - 05 March), Erixxx transferred that Q2 weapon company to this organization:


Company had large stock, around 1000 Q2 weapons. After searching through some old articles and by exploring his own mistakes, we found out this:

1. Like many of you know, every company has his unique ID that can not be changed even if you rename the company. ID of that National armory was 205429 and STILL IS! (1)

http://a.imagehost.org/view/0853/exibitA">http://a.imagehost.org/t/0853/exibitA.jpg" border="0" width="150" height="105" alt="exibitA.jpg (234 K😎" />

here is the link to it now: http://www.erepublik.com/en/company/bazoookers-205429

On the first image we can see discussion area for that company (2) that the blasphemer added 7 months ago, it leads to Ministry of Defense Newspaper! And, marked with (3) is the Quality of that company (Q2, same as the one missing).

2. Here we can see the article Red_Baxter wrote 3 months ago, with the link to that same company: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-info-what-is-wrong-in-present-government--1201970/1/20

3. From the raw materials donation list to that company, we can see that it received iron from this ministry.

http://a.imagehost.org/view/0421/exibitB">http://a.imagehost.org/t/0421/exibitB.jpg" border="0" width="150" height="101" alt="exibitB.jpg (151 K😎" />

4. And here are donation lists from organization holding our stolen company:


http://i.imagehost.org/view/0767/exibitC">http://i.imagehost.org/t/0767/exibitC.jpg" border="0" width="150" height="105" alt="exibitC.jpg (103 K😎" />

Here we can see that players: masterpiece and Erixxx are being supplied from it. masterpiece is, looks like, close Erixxx´s associate who controls that org and company today.
From this next image, we can see that Erixxx is being supplied every 3rd day with 10 items (one day he uses 5 weapons, tomorrow 5 more, and 3rd day, he needs to get 10 more).

http://j.imagehost.org/view/0327/exibitD">http://j.imagehost.org/t/0327/exibitD.jpg" border="0" width="150" height="93" alt="exibitD.jpg (128 K😎" />

I think this shows us enough proofs to say that ex-Minister of Defense in John Locked's Cabinet, under nick Erixxx stole our Armory, and used huge amount of weapons from it.

Erixxx, We demand that you apologize to all citizens of eCzech Republic for taking away from them, their weapons, weapons that they manufactured with salary of 1 or 2 CZK in times when every CZK is a small fortune, in time when eWorld's economy is a mess! As a part of that apology We demand that you give back the company to the MOD organization of eCR! And We demand that you pay a compensation for all the weapons you used from that armory! This terms are not negotiable, and We think they are the only honorable thing to do!

Investigated by the blasphemer & RedBaxter

Robbed people of Czech Republic



This article came up by Erixxx, where he tries to justify this theft, selling cheap propaganda, claiming that he was lead by Pro-Phoenix ideals.